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News - P4H Network
3168 results

Single National Health Insurance cabinet paper submitted

Tanzania, United Republic of

The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children recently submitted the cabinet brief on the Single National Health Insurance (SNHI) and the Health Financing Strategy to Cabinet.  It is now awaiting feedback before it can go ahead...

Request to comment on new draft HFS – June 2016


The Kenya's Ministry of Health team involved in the development of a long-term health financing strategy.     Is pleased to share with your the second draft of the strategy in recognition of your expertise in health financing and service delivery...

Article on L4UHC High-Level Policy Dialogue event in Feb 2016


Please find below a link to an article about the Leadership for UHC High Level Policy Dialogue event, which took place in Chisamba in Feb 2016 (see also Intranet entry from 19.02.16) ------- A multi-sectoral, high-level group – drawn from across government, the...

P4HC+ update and joint support plan (draft)


The new coordination mechanism called P4H Cambodia+ (P4HC+) bringing 12 organizations to the table is taking off. The update below provides some context and info on upcoming activities. Context:  With the onset of 2016 a new breeze went through the Cambodian health...

MoH approves HF Strategy – April 2016


Top management of the Ugandan Ministry of Health gave their approval to the Health Financing Strategy, which has been developed with support from P4H members over the past few years.  Next steps include its dissemination within and outside the government, and to...

Preparations for L4UHC Asia edition

The preparations for the Asia edition of the Leadership for UHC program are in full swing. Invited countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR and Nepal. Host country for kick-off workshop: Philippines. Date for kick-off workshop:  week 16-20 May.   See flyer for more...

Designing a new coordination mechanism


Given the new Health Strategic Plan 2016-20, the development of the Social Health Protection Framework by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the invitation of several donor partners (and finally agreement by the others) for P4H to coordinate the technical input...

Single National Health Insurance legislative review kicks off

Tanzania, United Republic of

The WHO supported legislative review around the future plans to introduce a mandatory single national health insurance (SNHI) has started last week, aiming to be completed by end of March 2016.  This legislative review will further shape the cabinet paper proposing...