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News - P4H Network
3168 results

New Health Minister communicates committment to boost Health Insurance System

Tanzania, United Republic of

The new Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Children and the Elderly, Ummy Mwalimu told The Citizen newspaper last week, that "the government is now looking into ways of bridging the gaps in healthcare delivery helping the poor access prepaid...

Process update -/01/2016


Source: GIZ / P4H Country Focal Point The formulation of the third Health Strategic Plan (2016-20) is not yet completed although the section on health financing was finalised. The related strategies will focus on the national budget for health, targeting of available...

Joint AECID-WHO letter to the Minister of Health


TFPs in the health sector are proposing (among other things) the activation of the P4H network to support Mauritania in the area of health financing. 2015_12_23_OMS_AECID-Lettre_au_Ministre_sante_P4H

National Technical Group training on CSU


The GTN on CSU, created by Prime Ministerial Decree as part of the implementation of the National Social Protection Policy, is benefiting from training by WHO from December 08 to 11 and 14 to 17, 2015 (two groups of 25 participants). Presentation8 ex-post - health...

Signature and official presentation of the national CSU strategy


In the presence of 4 ministers (State, Economy and Planning, Health and Population/Social Protection) and the advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, the national CSU strategy signed by the Prime Minister was presented to the public on December 7, 2015 at the Ivato...

Meeting of the GIBS Financing Commission in DRC

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The process of developing the national health financing strategy is discussed at the GIBS Financing Commission meeting. See the report below. 2015_11_30_OMS_RDC-Compte_Rendu_Reunion_ComFin_GIBS_25nov 2015_11_25_POINT_PROCESSUS_ELABORATION_PNDS_GIBS

MoH feedback on concept note – Nov 2015


Please find below a letter from the Secretary for Health (Dr. M.P. Magwira) summarizing the official response to the submitted P4H Concept Note (joint support plan). 2015_11_06_MoH_Feedback_on_P4H_concept_note_letter

Update on health financing strategy during joint WHO-WB mission

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The DEP of the Ministry of Health presents the progress of the process and its reflections on the national health financing strategy during the joint WHO-WB mission. 2015_10_20_MSP_RDC-Reunion_MSP_PTF 2015_10_20_MSP_RDC-Reunion_MSP_PTF_Strategie...

Global Financing Facility – Tanzania

Tanzania, United Republic of

After several consultations by the GFF business development team with stakeholders in Tanzania, it was decided to largely channel the funding towards the implementation of RBF.  This was considered in line with the draft Health Financing Strategy and the priorities of...

Delays in approval of Health Financing Strategy Draft

Tanzania, United Republic of

At the Health Financing Technical Working Group this week, the Ministry of Health informed members that the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee responsible for approving the Health Financing Strategy Draft and clearing the cabinet paper draft for the Single National...

NHI implementation update -/09/2015


Source: GIZ i.                    The implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI) was targeted nearly a year ago (November, 2014) with design features including draft Standard Operating Procedure in hand. However the lack of legal basis has led to delayed...