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News - P4H Network
3168 results

Workshop on the drafting process of the health financing strategy


During the workshop, the results of the following studies were presented: Situational analysis of health financing in Mozambique Preliminary results of the NHA Medication expenditures for AIDS Panorma of health insurance Performance based financing WHO, WB, Swiss...

National meeting to launch the CSU strategy development process


Under the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic and in the presence of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Health, a national meeting was held on March 25, 2015 in Antananarivo (Hotel Ibis Ivandry) to launch the process of developing...

Third module of LDP successfully concluded – Mar 2015

The 3rd and last module of the Leadership for UHC program (LDP) has been held in Istanbul, Turkey from 9-14 March 2015. 2015_03_08_P4H_LDP_UHC_annotated_program The pilot course organised by WBG LLI and GIZ under the umbrella of P4H, and facilitated by the Presencing...

Technical validation of Chad’s national CSU strategy


The technical validation of the national CSU strategy, prepared by the technical committee with the support of the P4H network, is taking place today in Chad. The next step should be to take this strategy to the decision-making level. 2015_02_18-Doc_SN_CSU_Tchad...

Presentation of the World Bank’s new Health Nutrition project


At a meeting of TFPs in the health sector, the WB presents its new health and nutrition project. Sub-component 2.1. is specifically dedicated to supporting the implementation of CMU. 2015_02_17_BM_Senegal-Presentation_projet_Sante_Nutrition

AFD prepares a new program to support universal health coverage

Côte d’Ivoire

AFD releases its aide-mémoire for the pre-identification mission of the new C2D program (Contrat de Développement et de Désendettement) for the 2015-2020 period. Universal health coverage is addressed both by strengthening public healthcare provision and by...

TFPs invited to workshop on the Universal Health Coverage Agency (ACMU)


The Senegalese government has decided to set up an executive agency, the Agence de la Couverture Maladie Universelle, to implement the PSD-CMU, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.The CMU Agency concentrates the missions previously assigned to the CACMU...

GFF consultations and HFS development -/01/2015


Country consultations regarding the Global Financing Facility (GFF) for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) took place from 21-23 Jan 2015.   See report for details: 2015_01_23_Kenya_GFF_consultations_summaryFINAL2  ...

High-level seminar on universal health coverage (CMU)

Côte d’Ivoire

The main objective of the seminar organized by the WB is to provide participants with an opportunity to exchange further on the CMU concept, and to improve technical knowledge and capacities for the design and implementation of options that could be applied to the...