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News - P4H Network
3168 results

High Level Forum on Expanding Coverage to the Informal Sector


A High Level Forum on Expanding Coverage to the Informal Sector was held from 29 September to 2 October 2013, in Yogjakarta, Indonesia. Below is a the paper on the informal sector and UHC, a first attempt to synthesize the global evidence.  Cofunded by GiZ, AusAID,...

WB shares fiscal space analysis and efficiency study -/10/2013


The World Bank shares final drafts of two studies: 1. Analysis of Fiscal Space and Policy Options for Targeted Intergovernmental Transfers, with Specific Focus on the Health Sector 2. Health Sector Efficiency in Kenya: Implications for fiscal space

GIZ visit: RMG and single national health insurance system -/10/2013


Roland Panea from the GIZ Sector Initiative Social Protection based in Eschborn visits Bangladesh from 19-24 Oct 2013.  The objectives of the visit are To compile a synthesis (position) paper on the current health status, health seeking behavior and demand for health...

New HFS draft – 5/10/2013


On 5 Oct, the Senior Presidential Advisor for Health and Population, Dr. Speciosa Wandira-Kazibwe circulates a new draft of the Health Financing Strategy 2013-2023.  She specifically indicates that this is a draft for the Health Policy Advisory Committee (HPAC), and...

MoH – informal consultation on UHC – 27/09/2013


On 27 Sep 2013, the MoH (Dr. San San Aye) calls various development partners for an informal consultation on UHC in Myanmar. The draft minutes are currently with the MoH for revision...

Informal (P4H) DP meeting during HI conference


1. Notes by Roland Panea (GIZ): Participants: Dr. Soe Nyunt U (WHO Mongolia), Dr. Ke Xu (WHO WPRO), Dr. Annie Chu (WHO WPRO), Dr. Dorjsuren Bayarsaikhan (WHO HQ), Dr. Bulganchimeg (ADB), Roland Panea (GIZ) a. Regional follow-up meeting Knowledge exchange and...