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News - P4H Network
3253 results
Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India

Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India


Deprivation among the aged population and its implication on households is a global concern due to the unprecedented rise in the geriatric population. Old age is a period of many vulnerabilities, falling health, retirement from the workforce, no/reduced income,...

Update of the strategic performance framework in Cameroon


After 08 years of implementation program based budgeting, the Ministry of Health has deemed it necessary to ensure consistency between the performance indicators of the program budget and those monitored by the Ministry of Health through DHIS2 at national level. ...

Creation of a special account for COVID-19 expenditures in Cameroon


In the fight against COVID-19, Cameroon refocussed the state budget in the year 2020. A special account called "Special National Solidarity Fund for the fight against the Coronavirus and its economic and social repercussions" was created under the yearly budget law as...

Estonia to more than double mental health funding to €7 million in 2023

Estonia to more than double mental health funding to €7 million in 2023


As reported by ERR News, mental health in Estonia is to receive an additional €4.7 million in funding next year, more than doubling the amount of money allocated in Estonia's 2023 state budget to a total of €7 million in public funding for mental health services. The...