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News - P4H Network
3168 results
Mali: an information day on the fight against insurance fraud

Mali: an information day on the fight against insurance fraud


With the theme "Fighting health insurance fraud: tools, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders (policyholders, delegated organizations and healthcare providers) ", the union committee of the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (Canam) organized  ...

Mali Mutuality: Segou gets involved!

Mali Mutuality: Segou gets involved!


Based in Ségou since 2002, the mutualité is a voluntary health insurance organization that works to improve the quality of healthcare and access to health services for non-civil servant populations. Based on the principles of solidarity, non-profit and social...

Côte d’Ivoire: CNAM creates a stir in Bingerville

Côte d’Ivoire: CNAM creates a stir in Bingerville

Côte d’Ivoire

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAM) organized the second awareness and prevention day called " Les évènements de la CNAM " at the foyer des jeunes in Bingerville, with a view to raising local awareness of the need...

The Philippines established the cancer assistance fund

The Philippines established the cancer assistance fund


In Philippines, the Department of Health has established the cancer assistance fund to support the Cancer and Supportive-Palliative Medicines Access Program (CSPMAP). The CSPMAP will provide free medicines to cancer patients, aiming to reduce the out-of-the pocket...

Government subsidies target senior citizens to join PhilHealth

Government subsidies target senior citizens to join PhilHealth


In Philippines, Filipinos aged 60 years old and above who currently are not covered by the PhilHealth and do not have a regular source of income are now mandatorily covered under PhilHealth. While their annual premium contributions will be subsidized by the government...

New Zealand is committed to support the pacific neighbors

New Zealand is committed to support the pacific neighbors

New Zealand

The New Zealand government has signed a purchase agreement with Pfizer for 4.7 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for delivery in 2022. These vaccines will be vaccinated to those who didn’t get the vaccination in 2021. In addition, New Zealand is committed to...

Health is second largest in 2022 budget in Malaysia

Health is second largest in 2022 budget in Malaysia


In Malaysia, the government has allocated RM32.4bil to the Health Ministry, which is the second largest allocation. The additional budget has been allocated as follows: RM4bil has been allocated for COVID-19 management, including the national vaccination program....

A quarter of Moldova’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19

Republic of Moldova

A quarter of the population of the Republic of Moldova was immunized with the full scheme against COVID-19. The data were made public today by the leadership of the Ministry of Health. Secretary of State Svetlana Nicolaescu mentioned that the highest immunization rate...

Russia launched a hotline “AntiFakeCovid” to battle infodemia

Russian Federation

The Russian "Public Chamber on countering dissemination of inaccurate information, public control and Internet security" is launching an online hotline "AntiFakeCovid" aimed at increasing the effectiveness of countering the spread of fake information about the...

Four donor countries support Ghana with Astrazeneca vaccines

Four donor countries support Ghana with Astrazeneca vaccines


On 6th October, 2021, Ghana received over 500,000 doses of Astrazeneca vaccines from  Germany, Denmark, Norway and Iceland through the COVAX facility to assist  its vaccination programme. Receiving the vaccines, chairman  of the health commodity group...

We need US$200 Million for the national vaccine institute- Committee

We need US$200 Million for the national vaccine institute- Committee


Following the global shortage of COVID-19 vaccines, the government of Ghana planned to establish a national vaccine institute. The mandate of the institute would include establishing local vaccine manufacturing plants, deepening research and development for vaccines....