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Documents - P4H Network

The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).

The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.

52 results

Benin National Development Plan 2018-2025


Based on the Benin 2025 Alafia vision, the 2018-2025 National Development Plan incorporates new economic and social development challenges at national, African and international levels. The NDP 2018-2025 is structured around the following major themes: i) human...

Decree implementing AMO-Benin


This decree defines the implementation of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Benin.Health insurance is taken out either with the National Social Welfare Agency or any successor public body, or with an insurance company or organization approved in Benin or...

Insurance program for human capital reinforcement (ARCH) – Benin


Project ARCH is part of the Beninese government's drive to offer a minimum package of basic social services to the most disadvantaged. It is part of the national institutional framework and aims to develop synergies with other projects and initiatives already...

Muskoka study on CSU in Benin


This research aims to help participating countries meet the challenge of building on what already exists to move towards CSU. The aim is to document the extent to which the 'CSU' systems of the countries participating in the study meet the criteria of the Learning...

Technical assistance to strengthen human capital in Benin


In this ppt presentation the World Bank presents the study to be carried out by a technical assistance for the development of a human capital strengthening project. The objectives of the study are : Develop a national human capital development strategy(HCD) and...

ARCH activity report second half 2019 Benin


Activity report showing the start of implementation of an operational scheme to cover healthcare costs for the most vulnerable under ARCH's health insurance scheme.