The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).
The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.
Financing the future: IDA’s Role in the Evolving Global Aid Architecture
The document "Financing the Future: IDA’s Role in the Evolving Global Aid Architecture" focuses on key trends in official financial flows, the need for rebalancing the global aid architecture, and the International Development Association's (IDA) comparative...
Health Financing Strategy, 2017-2027: Towards UHC for Zambia
The Health Financing Strategy (HFS) 2017-2027 for Zambia aims to enhance the country's health financing framework in line with national health goals. Developed through a participatory process led by the Ministry of Health and the Health Financing Technical Working...
Sustainable health financing in Bhutan
This document aims to provide Bhutan’s health sector policy leaders with a common understanding of existing as well as emergent health financing challenges, such that a reform pathway to sustainable (and sufficient) health financing can then be charted.
Funding from the Ministry of Health of Argentina in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ministry of Health of Argentina implemented several interventions in 2020, with the objective of expanding the response capacity of the Health System.Investments were made in the operational capacity of the provinces, complementing the investments made by the...
Health Financial Protection before and during COVID-19 in Paraguay
An analysis is presented from the perspective of excessive, catastrophic and impoverishing out-of-pocket expenses in the National Health System.Public health spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product was equal to 1.8% between 2000 and 2009 and 2.8% between...
Financing of Universal Health Coverage in Paraguay
In Paraguay, 49.4% of total healthcare spending came from people's pockets, in 2017. For the population in the poorest income quintile, this represented a high proportion of household income.The budget of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare grew at an...
Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020
The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020 report highlights significant reliance on international funding, urgent need for domestic investment, and disparities in healthcare access across regions.The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020 details the economic...
Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2021
The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2021 report reveals a critical underfunding in healthcare, stressing an urgent need for increased domestic and international investment to improve public health infrastructure and services.The Afghanistan National Health...
Afghanistan Health Financing Strategy 2019-2023
The Health Financing Strategy 2019-2023 serves to guide the Afghanistan health sector to strategically address major financing gaps to become more responsive to the health needs of the population.The Afghanistan Health Financing Strategy (AHFS) 2019-2023 was designed...
National Health Policy 2017
The National Health Policy 2017 has been formulated to address the current and emerging challenges necessitated by the changing socio-economic and epidemiological landscapes in IndiaThe primary aim of the National Health Policy 2017 is to inform, clarify, strengthen...
Evaluation of the Fonds Commun Santé in Niger
According to Article 2 of Order 354 of March 28, 2018 on the FCS, "the Common Fund is a multi-donor mechanism that centralizes and ensures the fiduciary management of all contributions, intended to support the implementation of the Health Development Plan." The main...
The Kingdom of Thailand Health System Review
This document is published under Health System in Transition Reviews (HiTs). It provides a detailed description of Thailand’s health system, and policy and reform developments as well as achievements and remaining challenges.It examines Thailand's health system...
Belgium: health system summary 2024
The European Observatory has published Belgium's health systems summary based on the 2020 Belgium Health System Review with significant updates on data, policy and reforms. Belgium's healthcare system is of high quality, yet challenges persist in antibiotic and...
Out-of-pocket payments for nursing home residents: Balancing financial protection with incentives for efficient use
Implementing a cap on lifetime out-of-pocket payments could improve financial protection for individuals with high care needs in nursing homes. This research article, published by VoxEU, discusses the importance of designing out-of-pocket payments for nursing home...
Malawi National Health Policy: Towards Universal Health Coverage
The Malawi National Health Policy is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals and aims to tackle challenges like inadequate healthcare provision, weak governance, and limited resources. The policy serves as a crucial governance document to align stakeholders toward...