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Documents - P4H Network

The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).

The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.

2372 results

Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey (EDSN-MICS IV) 2012


This report presents the main results of the fourth Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey (EDSN-MICS IV), carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the technical services of the Ministry of...

Organizational and functional audit of the MSP of Niger


This document is the final report of the organizational and functional audit of the Ministry of Public Health in Niger. It identifies the priority areas for modernization and the major orientations for strengthening the Ministry of Health's capacities in the short,...

Reflections and actions for an FCS 2.0 in Niger


The document, drawn up by Jean François CAREMEL, P4H-CFP in Niger, was prompted by a request from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, in the context of the decision to refocus the Fonds Commun Santé on fungible funds: "To develop an analysis to feed into...

Health equity in Niger


The study analyzes several aspects of inequality in the healthcare system: health outcomes, healthcare service utilization, financial protection (FP) and benefit incidence analysis (BIA). It uses the EDS/ENAFEME surveys for health (2006, 2012, 2021), and ECVMA/EHCVM...

Does Strategic Purchasing Improve Health Systems? A Literature Review

Strategic purchasing aims to improve healthcare spending and access, but how well it works depends on design and local factors. This review in the Health Systems Reform Journal explores the evidence for its effectiveness.This review examines evidence on strategic...

Developing the Lebanese health economic evaluation guideline


The Lebanese Health Economic Evaluation Guideline (LEEG) development followed WHO guidelines, involving expert groups, evidence retrieval, surveys, workshops, and international consultation. The transparent process ensures relevance for national healthcare...

Understanding pandemic financing and learning from other experiences

The discussion paper, prepared for a Geneva workshop, examines pandemic financing challenges, explores spending capacities of countries, and analyses financing mechanisms from global regimes, including lessons from the Global Fund. This discussion paper was crafted in...

Niger 2022 Economic Update


After a COVID-19 related growth slowdown in 2020, Niger’s economic recovery was hit by a series of climate and security shocks in 2021 that deteriorated many economic and social indicators. As a result, GDP growth decelerated to 1.4 percent in 2021, which translated...

Supreme Decree: Basic Health Insurance in Bolivia

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

This Supreme Decree 25265 established that children under 5 years of age, pregnant women in Bolivia had the right to access a basic package of preventive and curative health services, and the general population to the diagnosis and treatment of some communicable...

Law on Comprehensive Health Services of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Law 475 provided for comprehensive health care and financial protection for Bolivian inhabitants who did not have health insurance from the social security system's managing entities. This law provides financial health protection to all inhabitants of the...

National Health Service Delivery Survey RCA-2019

Central African Republic

The first of its kind in the Central African Republic, this report presents reliable information on the availability of health services, the general operational capacity of services, the availability and operational capacity of specific health services, comprehensive...