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Documents - P4H Network

The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).

The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.

2334 results

Opportunities for a new compact between Gavi and partner countries

The CGDev Note proposes Gavi's New Compact for country-led vaccine prioritisation and financing reforms to strengthen health systems amid COVID-19 challenges and fiscal pressures, aligning with global health goals. Health aid is fragmented and burdensome, lacking...

PROPEL Adapt in Mali


Starting in 2024, PROPEL Adapt Mali is launching activities to introduce a new mutual health insurance model that will expand access to healthcare for farmers and rural agricultural workers. PROPEL Adapt Mali collaborates with a wide range of local partners, including...

PROPEL Adapt presentation

Promoting Results and Outcomes through Policy and Economic Levers (PROPEL) Adapt is a cross-sectoral approach to strengthening the enabling environment in fragile contexts through policy, financing, government accountability and evidence-based advocacy.Complex...

States General on Health-Guinea 2021


Key question: Does the current healthcare financing system improve access to care? How else can we achieve this and guarantee the government's policy of fairness?To answer this question, we will examine the current level of healthcare expenditure, the evolution of...

Press release: High-level workshop on health financing reforms in Morocco


Finance ministries in EMRO/MENA countries are pushing for greater efficiency in health-related funds, recognizing the need for better coordination and alignment between the various stakeholders.The objectives are : Stakeholder collaboration: Foster a dynamic exchange...

Nigeria National Health Insurance Authority Act 2022


In 2022, Nigeria enacted the 2022 National Health Insurance Act, marking a pivotal step towards comprehensive healthcare reform. The new legislation ensures that every Nigerian can access affordable and quality health services. Key highlights of the Act include:...

Health Accounts 2020


Health accounts are an essential tool for monitoring the implementation of the commitment made by the State and its technical and financial partners to provide adequate funding for health.Health financing in the Republic of the Congo comes mainly from six (06)...

Health investments key to Kenya’s economic growth, new study reveals


The study emphasizes the macroeconomic importance of health, advocating for increased investment in healthcare as a crucial strategy for economic growth. Healthier populations contribute to a stronger economy and greater productivity, making healthcare investment a...