The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).
The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.
Mapping of the national social protection system in Ethiopia, including social health protection
The mapping of the national social protection system in Ethiopia, including social health insurance, is carried out as part of a joint technical study by the International Labour Organization and partner United Nations agencies.
Political economy analysis of universal health coverage and health financing reforms in low- and middle-income countries: the role of stakeholder engagement in the research process
Progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) is an inherently political process. Political economy analysis (PEA) is gaining momentum as a tool to better understand the role of the political and economic dimensions in shaping and achieving UHC in different...
Expanding Social Health Protection in Cambodia: An assessment of the current coverage potential and gaps, and social equity considerations
"To inform social health protection policy, the authors examined socio-economic survey data and administrative coverage data to assess the coverage potential of existing coverage mechanisms and current gaps; and compare equitable contribution rates."
Who benefits from healthcare spending in Cambodia? Evidence for a universal health coverage policy
"Using a system-wide approach, this study assesses how benefits from healthcare spending are distributed across socioeconomic groups in Cambodia."
Niger : CR Meeting of 01/18/2022
Niger: Aligning budget support for health – Identifying indicators
Expanding Health Equity Fund Coverage for People Living with HIV in Cambodia. Costing and Policy Options
"The National AIDS Authority required evidence on the cost implications of expanding HEF - Health Equity Fund - coverage to more people living with HIV in Cambodia in order to determine the most effective and sustainable approach. This analysis, conducted by Health...
Côte d’Ivoire: Summary of BPF knowledge-sharing workshop on CSU
Expanding Health Equity Fund Coverage for People Living with HIV in Cambodia. Costing and Policy Options
"The National AIDS Authority required evidence on the cost implications of expanding HEF - Health Equity Fund - coverage to more people living with HIV in Cambodia in order to determine the most effective and sustainable approach. This analysis, conducted by Health...
Health systems development in Thailand: a solid platform for successful implementation of universal health coverage
Despite its low gross national income per capita in Thailand, a bold decision was made to use general taxation to finance the Universal Health Coverage Scheme without relying on contributions from members. Thailand’s health development since the 1970s, focusing on...
Forgone healthcare and financial burden due to out-of-pocket payments in Bangladesh: a multilevel analysis
This study aimed to examine the burden of out-of-pocket payment and forgone healthcare in Bangladesh, and further explores the inequalities in catastrophic health expenditures (CHE) and forgone healthcare at the national and sub-national levels. Data came from the...
Assessment of health insurance options for Sierra Leone
Health coverage for workers in Egypt
This study explains the healthcare coverage that Egyptian employees receive based on formal employment. The paper details the legislative, institutional and technical aspects relevant to various occupational healthcare (OCH) services in Egypt, emphasizing the central...
Healthcare financing in Egypt: a systematic literature review
The Egyptian healthcare system has multiple stakeholders, including a wide range of public and private healthcare providers and several financing agents. This study sheds light on the healthcare system’s financing mechanisms and the flow of funds in Egypt. It also...
Health Financing Strategy of the new SHI in Egypt
Egypt has a strong commitment to universal health care (UHC). Article 18 of the Egyptian Constitution says that the State shall establish a comprehensive health insurance system covering all diseases for all Egyptians. This PowerPoint (2016) presentation by the...