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Documents - P4H Network

The many documents available on the P4H Network’s digital platform reflect the network’s scope of work. The majority of documents are primary source materials created by country nationals or resources produced by organizations working in social health protection (SHP) and/or health financing (HF).

The collection provides information on SHP and/or HF reforms and universal health coverage processes from around the world as well as topical analysis and research.

2372 results

Financing for Universal Health Coverage: Dos and Don’ts

[ba_gradient_heading title="Health Financing Guidance Note NO 9 - Conference Copy" html_tag="h3" primary_color="#455A64" secondary_color="#455A64" admin_label="TO BE EDITED - HEADING (50-60 characters)" _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default"...

Burkina Faso investment file final version

Burkina Faso

Over the past 15 years, Burkina Faso, like most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, has made remarkable progress in reducing maternal, neonatal and infant/child mortality and malnutrition. But this progress has been insufficient to achieve the targets set at national and...

Health economics training in Ouagadougou

Burkina Faso

This training course (the first edition of which took place at Ferdi in Clermont-Ferrand in autumn 2018) is aimed at healthcare executives from French-speaking African countries. High-level and demanding, it features not only a 5-day face-to-face component with 3...

processes Sept-Oct 2019


Process scheduled to produce a progress document available in mid-October.

Expertise France’s technical offer – I3S – Ministry of Health


In the continuity of previous interventions, this technical assistance aims more specifically at : General objective Support the government of Niger in implementing its roadmap towards CSU, and in particular, in setting up a third-party payment system for free...

List of L4UHC participants in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

The 10 participants in the "Leadership for the CSU" program come from a variety of sectors, and are all on the borderline between the technical and the political.

UCESIF conference proceedings


All the contributions to this symposium. On page 27, the P4H focal point talks about the network.