In collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and a team of local consultants at RESADE, ThinkWell carried out a detailed review of the free-of-charge policy. This review is part of ThinkWell's Strategic Purchasing for Primary Healthcare (SP4PHC) project to...
Free health care in Burkina Faso: an analysis
Since 2016, Burkina Faso has introduced a policy of free healthcare for pregnant women and children under five. ThinkWell and its research partner RESADE have conducted a detailed analysis of the free healthcare policy in collaboration with the Ministry of...
Senegal: Explanations for the rise in the price of medicines and nutritional supplements
Since May 24, pharmaceutical news has been marked by a pricing change for a category of products with hybrid status, half-drug and half-nutritional supplement. This increase follows a reclassification in the customs nomenclature of this category of products,...
Purchasing reforms and tracking health resources, Kenya (December 2019)
As low- and middle-income countries undertake health financing reforms to achieve universal health coverage, there is renewed interest in making allocation of pooled funds to health-care providers more strategic. To make purchasing more strategic, countries are...
The transforming health systems for universal care project in Kenya: A review (December 2020)
With support from the World Bank, the Global Financing Facility, and the Government of Japan, Kenya is implementing the Transforming Health Systems for Universal Care Project (THS-UCP) to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH)...
Book Launch: Voice, Agency, Empowerment: The Handbook on Social Participation for UHC
The Handbook on Social Participation for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will be launched on 31 May at 14:00 – 15:00 CET. WHO, UHC2030, Health System Governance Collaborative, UHC-Partnership, and PMNCH invite you to the launch of...
DRC: the need to strengthen the healthcare system through investment
Faced with several cycles of the Ebola virus epidemic, the country, with the support of its PTs, has put in place systems and undertaken actions that have helped to strengthen the capacities of health facilities, now better equipped to monitor the alerts that are...
Burkina Faso: improving the health system is on the agenda
A toll-free number to help improve health in Burkina Faso. The AGIR/ santé en développement association aims to involve citizens in health governance by strengthening community participation in health-related decision-making. To this end, it has launched a free,...
Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie du Mali: Numerous cases of fraud exposed
The Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie au Mali (CANAM) has drawn up an action plan to combat health insurance fraud. It focuses on fraud prevention, detection and prosecution. This need for accountability has revealed among other frauds: the cost of services...
Taller de orientación para la auditoría de la plantilla y las nóminas
Elaborar una nota de orientación metodológica para auditar la plantilla y la nómina de las instituciones sanitarias. Los participantes en la reunión intercambiaron puntos de vista con el fin de alcanzar los siguientes objetivos específicos : hacer...
Orientation workshop for the workforce and payroll audit
Draw up a methodological guideline for auditing staffing levels and payroll in healthcare establishments. Participants at the meeting exchanged ideas with the aim of achieving the following specific objectives : take stock of staffing levels in both...
Burkina Faso: Towards a reduction in medical evacuations abroad
Burkina Faso's deputies have unanimously adopted the bill authorizing ratification of the financing agreement for the construction of a radiotherapy center for cancer treatment in Bobo-Dioulasso. The aim is to enable the country of upright men to complete its...
CANAM: The new CEO sets the pace
Just three months after his arrival at the head of the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CANAM), the new General Manager, Brigadier General Boubacar Dembélé, is setting his own pace and style. The arrival of the General Manager coincides with the problem of...
Togo: The national health insurance institute opens its call center
The National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) is launching a toll-free number, 8220. Togolese people can now contact operators for matters relating to universal health coverage. Launched since 2012 to provide cover for risks linked to sickness, non-occupational...
Free healthcare in Burkina Faso: Accountability at the heart of the policy
Investigations revealed that the products had been fraudulently taken from the district depot store for the benefit of a state-registered nurse in charge of a health and social promotion center. A total of five people have been arrested, including a health...