Contribution of the L4UHC team in Burkina Faso to the response to COVID 19
The L4UHC team held a virtual meeting in the midst of the COVID crisis. The members of the "family" - as the group calls itself - agreed that they could participate in the response by offering their analysis of the situation on two fundamental subjects, namely: - The...
Review of the budget process in Albania
This review of the budget process of the Republic of Albania was carried out as part of the work programme of the OECD Working Party of Senior Budget Officials. In 2004, the working party established the Network of Senior Budget Officials of Central, Eastern and...
Combating with COVID-19: the Mongolia case
The COVID-19 has affected almost all countries and Mongolia is no exclusion. Due to the longest land border and extensive trade relations with China and Russia, Mongolia could be the most obvious hot spot. However, since March 10 to this date, there are 135 confirmed...
Bulletin cluster Santé Burkina Faso April 2020
During March and April, the security and epidemic situation in Burkina Faso remained worrying. The humanitarian situation was marked by increasing attacks and population displacements reported in several localities, with ten alerts shared by rapid response teams...
Integrating programmes under Global Health Initiatives into country-led efforts for Universal Health Coverage: The role of technical assistance and knowledge networks
With the overall objective to ensure healthy lives for all and achieve universal health coverage (UHC), the European Union has been investing a total of €2.6 billion into health sectors through its development assistance for the period 2014-2020. This investment...
The Phnom Penh Post: Bima, Smart Axiata announce expanded insurance coverage
The Phnom Penh Post, 25 February 2020: " MILVIK (Cambodia) Micro Insurance Plc, the Kingdom’s leading provider of mobile-delivered health insurance, and Smart Axiata Co Ltd, its leading mobile telecommunications operator, have announced an upgrade to the Smart Life...
Free health care in Burkina Faso: Medicine is in short supply in the regions, say stakeholders
“NSSF urged to finish new protection study”
Khmer Times, 16 January 2020: " As the deadline to expand the Kingdom’s social nettings programme is set for this year, Labour Minister Ith Samheng is urging NSSF officials to finish their study so protection can also be provided to public officials, former civil...
Sam Heng: Social security must widen to include more workers
The Phnom Penh Post, 14 January 2020: " As of last year, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) registered more than 10,000 enterprises to cover more than 1.7 million workers under occupational risk and healthcare schemes. Minister of Labour and Vocational Training...
All together now: Extending social protection in Cambodia
Until recently there was no overarching platform for coordinating social protection schemes across ministries and agencies in Cambodia. With support from Germany and the United States, the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council is now playing...
Presentation OpenIMIS_Cameroon
5th CSU free health care and progress review meeting
Burkina Faso regularly reports on the status of its free healthcare system for pregnant women and children under 5. This year's presentations on November 28 and 29, 2019 also focused on the CSU in general. All presentations can be downloaded here :...
Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal Health Coverage EQHA,
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH (FHI 360) on mapping healthcare quality improvement interventions by all partners in Cambodia and his recommendations for USAID-EQHA project to contribute to Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal...
Building a Quality Health System in Cambodia: Lessons from International Experience
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH, Director Health Systems Strengthening, FHI 360, Washington DC office. From the debriefing meeting on the contribution of USAID-EQHA to building a sustainable quality health system in Cambodia which was held on Nov. 7, 2019 at...