For children under 5, PECIME basket on the entire pyramid 3 appeals per year on average for children under 5 years of age 15 billion spent on children under 5 in 2017, 16 billion in 2018. Cost of Caesarean section: 2.2 billion in 2018 And even more so in the report...
P4HC+ Minutes September 2019
Date: September 18: 15.00-16.30hrs Venue: World Bank Participants: 22 people from the World Bank, KOICA, WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, USAID, ILO, SDC, GIZ, DFAT (Aus)
P4HC+ Mailing list September 2019
Updated mailing list of P4HC+ partners (names and email addresses)
P4HC+ Regular Meeting 18/09/2019
Agenda: The briefings on: Monitoring for UHC [Erik and Bart] ILO/UNICEF Strengthening the synergies between social protection and public finance management project [Malika] Alignment Global Fund funding country platforms and systems [Robert] P4HC+ as donor...
Monitoring Universal Health Coverage in Cambodia
Presentation by Bart Jacobs at P4HC+ Meeting
Development of the National Social Protection M&E System Cambodia
Presentation by HP+ Cambodia at the P4HC+ Meeting
P4HC+ Meeting Minutes (18/09/2019)
The P4HC+ regular meeting on 18 Sept at World Bank in Phnom Penh
Monitoring for UHC -putting Cambodia in the driving seat
The Government of Cambodia embarked on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with the endorsement of the National Social Protection Policy Framework in July 2017. To monitor the implementation of the National Social Protection Policy, the National Social Protection Council...
P4HC+ Regular Meeting
Venue: World Bank Group - Exchange Square building (Rumduol Meeting Room, IFC 11th floor) Agenda: The briefings on: Monitoring for UHC [Erik and Bart] ILO/UNICEF Strengthening the synergies between social protection and public finance management project [Malika]...
processes Sept-Oct 2019
Process scheduled to produce a progress document available in mid-October.
CSU Niger diagnostic workshop ToR September 2019
Description of the diagnostic workshop that will bring together 40 people in September to establish a diagnosis of the CSU in Niger.
CSU diagnostic workshop in Niger
Review of the CSU situation: existing strategies, directions, budgets, bottlenecks, priority actions? Event Time : 16 Sep 2019 7:00 am to 20 Sep 2019 2:00 pmTimezone: Event is Conference : No
CASEM ToR Ministry of Health Burkina Faso 2019
Two major themes will be addressed at this CASEM: the investment dossier and the three-year business plan.
CASEM Ministry of Health Burkina Faso 2019
CASEM (Conseil d'Administration du secteur ministériel) is an annual exercise for all departments in Burkina Faso. This year, the Ministry of Health will be addressing two themes: its three-year plan and the SRMNEA investment dossier. Event Time : 08 Aug 2019 7:00 am...
Sharing the investment file with CASEM Ministry of Health August 2019
The investment case, thus drafted in line with GFF's principles and guidelines, provides a coherent response to five main questions: ▪ Where are we in SRMNEAN, civil registration and vital statistics production? ▪ What are the main bottlenecks and their causes? ▪...