These documents will serve as a basis for exchange for the Cabinet Council of September 25, 2017 and the introduction in the Council of Ministers of the dossier for the creation of the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie Universelle (CNAMU).
1st meeting of the functional team n°2 of the Ministry of Health in Burkina Faso
This Thursday, August 16, 2017 saw the first meeting of Functional Team No. 2 ("integrated management of financial access and quality of care") of the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health. The aim of its leader Dr Pierre Yameogo, Director of Health Establishments, was to...
The sky is clearing a little on the UHIP calendar: calendar
Thursday Sept. 21, 8 a.m.: MFPTPS/MS consultation meeting prior to the Cabinet meeting on UHIP; Sept. 25 government cabinet meeting ; in the wake of this: incorporation of government instructions into the latest draft of study reports; Oct. 10 &...
Pharma sector reform in Burkina Faso
Orientations for the Management of the Health Planning Sector
An inclusive approach to health system reform in Burkina Faso
Produced within the framework of the CSU partnership, the following article explains why the governance reform underway within Burkina Faso's Ministry of Health is fundamental to strengthening the health system. One year after a change of government in Burkina Faso, a...
PPT: Pharma sector reform in BF
SHOPS Version PSA 29.04.14
3. SHOPS Benin PHS census report
Benin: Talon launches major healthcare reforms
Burkina Faso: Seventh Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release and Staff Report
Le rapport du FMI concernant la 7eme revue du programme a été publié sur la page FMI du Burkina Faso: