Note on the contribution of technical partners PNDES_CSD Health
French Ministry of Health launches Android application for reporting adverse drug reactions
The Ministry of Health, with the support of WHO, is launching an Android app for reporting adverse drug reactions on Thursday, June 15, 2017. The ceremony will take place at LAICO Ouaga 2000 from 8am . The WEB-Recognizing Adverse Drug Reactions (WEB-RADR) project is...
Benin multi-country study report
Population health : A high-level summit scheduled for July 17 in Ouagadougou
From July 17 to 19, 2017 in Ouagadougou, a high-level meeting on adequate health financing, the demographic dividend and population and development policies in the ECOWAS space, Mauritania and Chad will be held in Burkina. According to a press release sent to...
CdP-AFSS publishes Benin report on learning CSU system
A report that confirms what many partners have observed over the past 3-4 years... See below. 2016_10_CdP_AFSS-CSU_systeme_apprenant_rapport_Benin
Présentation du rapport final de l’étude sur les financements innovants pour la santé
Le bureau d'études OPM fait circuler son rapport final. Voir ci-dessous. 2015_07_30_OPM-Rapport_financements_innovants_Benin_final
Mission statement from the P4H focal point / WHO advisor – situation update
After a mission to Benin from August 17 to 22, 2015, the WHO advisor / P4H focal point shares a report and some analysis. In particular, there is a discussion of support for NGOs as part of the development of the CSU. CR atelier Lokossa Août 2015 feuille de route...
Second SGTT/RAMU workshop – October 7 to 11, 2013
The second SGTT/RAMU workshop took place from October 7 to 11 in Grand Popo. It dealt in particular with the immediate care of RAMU beneficiaries, the operation of the Departmental Offices of the National Health Insurance Agency (ADANAM) and the mechanisms for...
First SGTT/RAMU workshop – August 25 to 30, 2013
The first SGTT/RAMU workshop was held in Grand Popo from August 25 to 30, 2013. Questions relating to the cost and financing of UHIP, as well as a description of the flow of UHIP beneficiaries through health care structures, were the main themes of this first stage....
Progress workshop on a health financing strategy for universal health coverage
A milestone workshop aimed at validating the diagnosis carried out since last February and discussing 10 key issues related to health financing was held at the Palais des Congrès in Cotonou on July 17 and 18, 2013. It brought together representatives from all the...
Report on the analysis of health financing as seen by stakeholders in Burkina – November 2013
Burkina chose to carry out two diagnoses simultaneously: one based on documentation and another based on interviews (this one). The idea behind this consultancy was also to find the time to raise awareness of healthcare financing and its major challenges.
The MFPTSS presents its strategic framework for the development of social mutuals – May 2014
In March 2013, in the Council of Ministers, the government decided to speed up the implementation of AMU by linking it with social mutuals. 2014_05_29_MFPTSS_Burkina-Cadre_Strategique_Developpement_Mutuelles_Sociales_final
Establishment of a consultation framework between the MFPTSS and the MS on universal health insurance and related topics – May 21, 2014
At a workshop held in Koudougou from May 21 to 24, 2014, the Ministries of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Security (MFPTSS) and Health (MS) identified the themes (both strategic, technical and operational) that would be the subject of regular exchanges and...
Meeting between the Ministry of Health and the PTFs on payment exemptions for children under 5 years of age
The healthcare fee exemption for under 5 has been regularly discussed in the last years. The end of the financial support from ECHO to pilot projects implemented with INGO support has once again brought the issue in the MOH agenda. The link with the SHI perspective...