The Ouagadougou-based WHO sub-regional advisor on health financing policy is visiting Togo from December 04 to 06, 2013, for a workshop to raise awareness among decision-makers about universal health coverage. 2013_12_16_AB-Rapport_mission_Togo_n1_dec2013
Innovative financing study launched in Togo
WHO consultant Nouria Brikci initiates the study on innovative financing during her mission to Togo from February 23 to 28, 2014. 2013_11_14_OMS-TdR_etude_financement_innovant_Togo
Dissemination of the state of health financing in Burkina Faso – 2013/09/24
The WHO is carrying out a review of Burkina Faso's health financing system, based on a literature review. See below.
In a transitional period, civil society/05/play an important role (press conference on RAMU law, 20th March 2015)
The law on RAMU has been adopted by the governement& introduced to the National Assembly in September 2014. It was about to be adopted when the people got rid of their president & of all the governement institutions (end of October 2014). The law was once...
The Ministry of Public Health in Madagascar launched their UHC program with a promotional information tour to the three districts (Vatomandry, Faratsiho, Manandriana) where the pilot implementation is planned
The Ministry of Public Health together with P4H partners visited the regional and district officials of the three districts that have been selected to pilot the national health insurance agency (on district level). All meetings were well attended and local...
Distribution of the report on the mission to support the CSU Interministerial Coordination Unit (Cellule Interministerielle de Coordination de la CSU)
See the report below, which also includes the first draft of the CSU's strategic implementation plan (2017-2019). 2016_09_22_JP-Rapport_mission_Tchad_Sept
Joint AECID-WHO letter to the Minister of Health
TFPs in the health sector are proposing (among other things) the activation of the P4H network to support Mauritania in the area of health financing. 2015_12_23_OMS_AECID-Lettre_au_Ministre_sante_P4H
Restitution of the BM support mission to the CSU process
WHO Kinshasa distributes the minutes of the WB short-term support feedback meeting on the following topics i) the CSU bill, ii) health financing strategy, iii) the care basket and iv) budgeting and implementation schedule....
Harmonization of concepts and monitoring framework for CSU
From May 26 to 28, the various CSU players in Côte d'Ivoire harmonized their concepts and adopted a common CSU monitoring framework. 2015_08_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Rapport_atelier_national_harmonisation_CUS_final 2015_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Cadre_suivi_CSU_travaux_oms
Harmonization of concepts and monitoring framework for CSU
From May 26 to 28, the various CSU players in Côte d'Ivoire harmonized their concepts and adopted a common CSU monitoring framework. 2015_08_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Rapport_atelier_national_harmonisation_CUS_final 2015_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Cadre_suivi_CSU_travaux_oms
Dissemination of the report of mission 2 of the international consultant supporting the formulation of the CSU strategy
The mission took place from May 3 to 20, 2015 and was organized into two main activities: training at the CSU and identification of initial strategic directions with the technical committee. 2015_05_19_JP-Rapport_mission_2_Madagascar_final
Côte d’Ivoire and Burundi exchange experiences
The Burundian delegation today presented the main lessons learned about CMU during its stay in Côte d'Ivoire. 2015_04_16_Delegation_Burundi-Debriefing_mission_RCI_CSU
EU consultation report on SNFS formulation released
The Ministry of Health releases the draft version of the EU-funded consultation report on the formulation of the national health financing strategy. A workshop to validate this report is scheduled for January 2015. 2014_11_24_Consultant_UE-Rapport_provisoire_SNFS
The MSP proposes ToRs for the creation of two CSU committees
The MSP general secretariat team circulates to the P4H network a proposed ToR for an intersectoral CSU steering committee and for a restricted CSU technical committee. 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Intersectoriel_CSU 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Technique_RestreintCSU
FAPS feasibility study report released
See the document below. 2014_10_17_Faisabilite_FAPS_Burundi