From May 26 to 28, the various CSU players in Côte d'Ivoire harmonized their concepts and adopted a common CSU monitoring framework. 2015_08_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Rapport_atelier_national_harmonisation_CUS_final 2015_05_MSLS_Cote_Ivoire-Cadre_suivi_CSU_travaux_oms
Dissemination of the report of mission 2 of the international consultant supporting the formulation of the CSU strategy
The mission took place from May 3 to 20, 2015 and was organized into two main activities: training at the CSU and identification of initial strategic directions with the technical committee. 2015_05_19_JP-Rapport_mission_2_Madagascar_final
Côte d’Ivoire and Burundi exchange experiences
The Burundian delegation today presented the main lessons learned about CMU during its stay in Côte d'Ivoire. 2015_04_16_Delegation_Burundi-Debriefing_mission_RCI_CSU
EU consultation report on SNFS formulation released
The Ministry of Health releases the draft version of the EU-funded consultation report on the formulation of the national health financing strategy. A workshop to validate this report is scheduled for January 2015. 2014_11_24_Consultant_UE-Rapport_provisoire_SNFS
The MSP proposes ToRs for the creation of two CSU committees
The MSP general secretariat team circulates to the P4H network a proposed ToR for an intersectoral CSU steering committee and for a restricted CSU technical committee. 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Intersectoriel_CSU 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Technique_RestreintCSU
FAPS feasibility study report released
See the document below. 2014_10_17_Faisabilite_FAPS_Burundi
Drafting phase of the first version of the national CSU strategy
Chad's CSU technical committee has just completed a decisive phase of drafting the national CSU strategy, with the aim of obtaining a first version of the document. Internal validation is scheduled over the next few weeks....
Drafting phase of the first version of the national CSU strategy
Chad's CSU technical committee has just completed a decisive phase of drafting the national CSU strategy, with the aim of obtaining a first version of the document. Internal validation is scheduled over the next few weeks....
JICA in Senegal provides information on CMU
At the health PTF meeting, JICA shares information on a forthcoming JICA mission in connection with the preparation of a project to support the implementation of CMU. 2014_10_02_JICA_Senegal-MISSION_CMU_FBR
MSAS presents the state of implementation of the CMU at the PTF santé meeting
The last meeting of the healthcare TFPs took place on October 2. The MSAS presented the state of implementation of the CMU strategic plan. 2014_10_02_MSAS_Senegal-Presentation_CMU_reunion_PTF_sante
Release of the 2012 NHA
See the NHA report below. 2014_10_01_MoH_Cambodia-NHA_2012_report_FINAL
MSP releases situation analysis for PDSS 2015-2019
Availability of the final report of the study on health financing in Burundi – June 2014
With the support of several members of the P4H network (WB, WHO, GIZ), the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control is making available to all interested parties the final report of the study on health financing in Burundi....
AFD makes available the ToR for the Muskoka-I3S feasibility study
As part of its support for Mali, AFD is making available the terms of reference for the Muskoka-I3S feasibility study. 2014_05_15_AFD-TdR_Faisabilite_Muskoka_i3S_Mali
Dissemination of the capitalization report on the FBR experience in Chad – March 10, 2014