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Accountability & transparency Archives - Page 4 of 110 - P4H Network
546 results
CANAM launches campaign against compulsory health insurance fraud
CANAM launches campaign against compulsory health insurance fraud

The Comité Syndical de la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie du Mali (CNAMI) has taken up the fight against compulsory health insurance fraud. After several days' work, the union presented the results of its awareness-raising mission, which took place in the towns...

66% of healthcare in Côte d’Ivoire is financed by domestic resources
66% of healthcare in Côte d’Ivoire is financed by domestic resources
Côte d’Ivoire

Health in Côte d'Ivoire is 44% financed by external resources, announced the Minister in charge of health during a panel discussion organized on Tuesday May 28, 2024 by the Global Fund, the African Union, the GFF, the Pepfar, on the sidelines of the 77th World Health...

77th World Health Assembly: Ivorian experience brought to the Tribune
77th World Health Assembly: Ivorian experience brought to the Tribune
Côte d’Ivoire

Pierre Dimba, Minister of Health, speaking at the 77th World Health Assembly, declared that Côte d'Ivoire is committed to working towards an infrangible, efficient health system that serves the population without discrimination.The Minister of Health, Public Hygiene...

Re-articulating and strengthening the review-programming-monitoring cycle
Re-articulating and strengthening the review-programming-monitoring cycle

Since the 2010s, Niger's healthcare system has suffered from leadership and coordination problems. Since 2021, reforms supported by WHOthe P4H focal person and all partners, have revitalized programming practices, strengthened leadership and improved data analysis and...

Report on health accounts 2021
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The Health Accounts constitute an international accounting framework for systematically tracking financial flows in favor of health.The results of Health Accounts 2021 come at a time when the country is gradually recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on...

Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey

This is the fourth Demographic and Health Survey with Multiple Indicators (EDSN-MICS IV), carried out from February to June 2012 by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the technical services of the Ministry of...

Transmission of the role of Lead Partner of the PTF Santé-Bilan UNFPA

UNFPA's coordinating role provided an opportunity to set the key objectives for the 2020-2023 period: Planning, Concertation and joint steering, Health financing, Community health. Key recommendations: Strengthen efforts to link different levels of dialogue within the...

Social protection: 10 priorities presented to the World Bank
Social protection: 10 priorities presented to the World Bank
Burkina Faso

Members of the Permanent Secretariat for Social Protection held a working session with a World Bank delegation on Thursday, April 04, 2024 in Ouagadougou. During the meeting, the Burkinabe government unveiled its main priorities in the field of social security....

Evaluation of the Fonds Commun Santé in Niger

According to Article 2 of Order 354 of March 28, 2018 on the FCS, "the Common Fund is a multi-donor mechanism that centralizes and ensures the fiduciary management of all contributions, intended to support the implementation of the Health Development Plan." The main...

Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Côte d’Ivoire

To achieve the goal of zero cases of HIV/AIDS by 2030 and to work towards good universal health coverage, the Ivorian Minister in charge of Health, mobilized kings and traditional chiefs on Thursday April 04, 2024, during a meeting in the Ivorian capital.The Minister...