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Aging Archives - Page 3 of 12 - P4H Network
57 results
Understanding international measures of health spending

Age-adjusting expenditure on health A part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Health Working Papers series, this paper assesses health system performance over time or across countries often means comparing populations with age...

Cameroun-Projet Backup Santé : Rapport final

Le Ministère de la Santé a réalisé en 2020, une étude pour évaluer les politiques relatives au genre dans la santé du Cameroun, en collaboration avec le P4H et la GIZ. L’objectif de l‟étude était d‟analyser la transformation sociale favorable aux femmes à travers le processus de budgétisation en utilisant la méthodologie à l‟aide de l‟outil « Equity Budgeting Tool ».Selon les résultats de cette étude, des discriminations de genre persistent dans le secteur de la santé, même si des efforts sont déployés pour les réduire. Les inégalités sont visibles au niveau de l‟accessibilité à certains soins de santé pour les femmes et dans certains groupes spécifiques en milieu rural où se pose avec acuité la question de disponibilité des médicaments et structures de santé. Ainsi, la persistance de ces inégalités contredit les discours politiques et les stratégies nationales qui énoncent l‟élimination des inégalités liées au genre.
C‟est dans ce contexte que le Projet BACKUP SANTE de la GIZ, a commandité la présente étude qui se situe dans la continuité des initiatives antérieures mises en œuvre, afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux genre dans le financement de la santé, afin d‟atteindre les objectifs de la Couverture Santé Universelle.

Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India
Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India

Deprivation among the aged population and its implication on households is a global concern due to the unprecedented rise in the geriatric population. Old age is a period of many vulnerabilities, falling health, retirement from the workforce, no/reduced income,...

Expanded home healthcare system

This initiative reduced out-of-pocket spending on palliative care due in part to the shift toward lower-cost, community-based services such as home care and outpatient visits. It also led to better utilization of resources in hospitals. Read More

Singapore will release MediSave top-ups for senior citizens in July
Singapore will release MediSave top-ups for senior citizens in July

This year Singapore will allocate a total of S$270 million to MediSave top-ups for senior citizens. In July, Singaporeans born in 1959 and earlier or aged 63 and over will receive MediSave top-ups between S$200 and S$900. In addition, those born in 1939 and earlier...

Health issues and health care expenditure among elderly in India
Health issues and health care expenditure among elderly in India

The study synthesises the empirical research studies and discusses the health need of the elderly population, healthcare utilization and healthcare expenditure. Despite an increasing feminization of India's older population, women's health in later life and the health...

China plans to improve elderly care services nationwide in 2023
China plans to improve elderly care services nationwide in 2023

A rise of population ageing leads to increase medical and care needs among older population in China. Local governments will start to pilot programmes next year to improve medical and care services for the elderly, with the goal of rolling out the scheme...

Government subsidies target senior citizens to join PhilHealth
Government subsidies target senior citizens to join PhilHealth

In Philippines, Filipinos aged 60 years old and above who currently are not covered by the PhilHealth and do not have a regular source of income are now mandatorily covered under PhilHealth. While their annual premium contributions will be subsidized by the government...