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Alignment Archives - P4H Network
212 results
Mission in Nepal spurs action
Mission in Nepal spurs action

The P4H Network and the Leadership for UHC programme have been instrumental in Nepal. A recent mission has increased momentum to collaborate further.The keenly awaited P4H mission, led by P4H Network Coordinator Claude Meyer and composed of World Health Organization...

Opportunities for a new compact between Gavi and partner countries

The CGDev Note proposes Gavi's New Compact for country-led vaccine prioritisation and financing reforms to strengthen health systems amid COVID-19 challenges and fiscal pressures, aligning with global health goals. Health aid is fragmented and burdensome, lacking...

PROPEL Adapt presentation

Promoting Results and Outcomes through Policy and Economic Levers (PROPEL) Adapt is a cross-sectoral approach to strengthening the enabling environment in fragile contexts through policy, financing, government accountability and evidence-based advocacy.Complex...

States General on Health-Guinea 2021

Key question: Does the current healthcare financing system improve access to care? How else can we achieve this and guarantee the government's policy of fairness?To answer this question, we will examine the current level of healthcare expenditure, the evolution of...

Press release: High-level workshop on health financing reforms in Morocco

Finance ministries in EMRO/MENA countries are pushing for greater efficiency in health-related funds, recognizing the need for better coordination and alignment between the various stakeholders.The objectives are : Stakeholder collaboration: Foster a dynamic exchange...

Re-articulating and strengthening the review-programming-monitoring cycle
Re-articulating and strengthening the review-programming-monitoring cycle

Since the 2010s, Niger's healthcare system has suffered from leadership and coordination problems. Since 2021, reforms supported by WHOthe P4H focal person and all partners, have revitalized programming practices, strengthened leadership and improved data analysis and...

Increase in the cost of consultations with general practitioners

At the 3rd plenary session of conventional negotiations with self-employed doctors, the Assurance Maladie said it was ready to invest in a global agreement on attractiveness, access to care, quality and relevance of care.At this 3rd multilateral session, the Assurance...

Round Table in DRC on the financing of Universal Health Coverage
Round Table in DRC on the financing of Universal Health Coverage
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

With the support of the World Bank, the Conseil National de la Couverture Santé Universelle (CNCSU) launched the National Forum on Health Financing and Universal Health Coverage in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.There's a lot you need...

Reform of the Fonds Commun Santé to accelerate universal health coverage
Reform of the Fonds Commun Santé to accelerate universal health coverage

The reform reaffirms the importance of the Fonds Commun Santé (FCS) in health financing in Niger. The P4H country focal point has been entrusted with the task of considering the options for a redesign. A roadmap has been validated by the stakeholders and monitoring...

Regulation note UGP_P4H 2023

Despite the efforts made and improvements achieved over the last few decades, most of Niger's health and social indicators are still well below the expected public health targets, and progress is slow.The MSP/P/AS is committed, through the reforms it is implementing...