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Alignment Archives - P4H Network
221 results
Vaccine Purchase: WB to provide $500m more
Vaccine Purchase: WB to provide $500m more

The World Bank has agreed to provide $500 million to Bangladesh in additional financing to buy Covid-19 vaccines. The main objective of the WB's additional financing for this project is -- vaccination of 31 percent of the total population of the country through...

Нигер-Ковид19: ИБР предлагает 1,7 млрд. франков КФА

По словам министра планирования Кане Айчату Буламы, размещенным на сайте , финансирование от группы Исламского банка развития (ИБР) должно позволить Нигеру усилить надзор за здоровьем и управление случаями заболевания ковид-19 путем оснащения ключевых...

Niger-Covid19: IDB offers 1.7 billion CFA francs
Niger-Covid19: IDB offers 1.7 billion CFA francs

According to Minister of Planning, Kané Aichatou Boulama, the funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) group should enable Niger to strengthen health surveillance and the management of covid-19 cases by equipping key units. It will also involve...

Семинар по объединению усилий партнеров в области цифровизации здравоохранения в сообществе
Семинар по объединению усилий партнеров в области цифровизации здравоохранения в сообществе
Burkina Faso

С 29 по 31 марта был проведен семинар, целью которого была разработка согласованной и бюджетированной глобальной дорожной карты по оцифровке на уровне сообществ с целью согласования действий партнеров. На церемонии открытия семинара были определены результаты, которые...

Семинар по объединению усилий партнеров в области цифровизации здравоохранения в сообществе
Partner alignment workshop for the digitization of community health
Burkina Faso

A workshop was held from March 29 to 31, with the aim of drawing up a concerted and budgeted global roadmap for digitization at community level, with a view to aligning partners. The opening ceremony of this workshop set the results targeted by this...

Covid19: $23 million disbursed to Mauritania
Covid19: $23 million disbursed to Mauritania

In response to covid-19, the IMF decided to increase its financing to the Mauritanian government. Initially intended to support a reform plan, the Extended Credit Facility agreement between Nouakchott and the Fund has been redirected towards a pandemic response...

Sri Lanka receives Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines under COVAX Facility
Sri Lanka receives Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines under COVAX Facility
Sri Lanka

'Sri Lanka on Sunday received the first batch of 264,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines provided under the World Health Organisation's COVAX facility, an official said. COVAX is the global initiative to ensure rapid and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines...

World Bank to provide $70 million for universal health coverage in Togo
World Bank to provide $70 million for universal health coverage in Togo

Financing of $70 million (38.5 billion FCFA), approved by the World Bank, will enable Togo to take an important step towards extending health coverage to its entire population, hitherto reserved mainly for civil servants and similar staff. In a press release made...

The Philippines seeks $700-M ADB, AIIB loans for vaccine rollout
The Philippines seeks $700-M ADB, AIIB loans for vaccine rollout

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will lend the Philippines a combined $700 million (about P33.9 billion) by March to buy vaccines and inoculate Filipinos against the COVID-19 disease. Documents of the Beijing-based...

A case for building a stronger health care system in Bangladesh
A case for building a stronger health care system in Bangladesh

The havoc that COVID-19 wreaked on Bangladesh is typical of the effect it had on South Asian countries in general in that it exposed the acute lack of investment- financial, infrastructural and in terms of human resources in the public healthcare system. Considering...