Sri Lanka provides health care service free-of-charge, including maternal health care. This study aimed to examine the magnitude of and factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPs) during the first prenatal clinic visit by pregnant women in Anuradhapura...

Accessible and affordable COVID-19 self-test kits in Thailand
To ensure affordable and accessibility of the COVID-19 testing, the National Health Security Office (NHSO) board has decided to introduce an option by which health units can purchase the self-test kits and claim the cost from the NHSO. They can request 55 baht per...

New document on analysis of out-of-pocket expenditure in rural Sri Lanka is now available
Sri Lanka provides health care service free-of-charge, including maternal health care. This study aimed to examine the magnitude of and factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPs) during the first prenatal clinic visit by pregnant women in Anuradhapura...

The Philippines 2022 national budget secured free COVID-19 testing
The Philippines has allocated P17.85 billion under the 2022 national budget for Covid-19 testing, aiming to ensure affordability and accessibility to the tests among its population. The funds will be allocated to the state laboratories so that more free tests...

Multiple fertility treatment methods to be covered by public insurance in Japan from April
Japan's public health insurance will include multiple fertility treatment methods under the health benefit package, starting from April 2022, aiming to reduce financial burden for those who try to achieve successful pregnancies. The treatments to be covered include...
Expanding Health Equity Fund Coverage for People Living with HIV in Cambodia. Costing and Policy Options
"The National AIDS Authority required evidence on the cost implications of expanding HEF - Health Equity Fund - coverage to more people living with HIV in Cambodia in order to determine the most effective and sustainable approach. This analysis, conducted by Health...
Health financing policy reforms for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA)- Health Community Region
This research paper discusses the evolution of health financing reforms in the selected regions of Africa. From the provision of free primary health care to introduction of user fees at the point of use in response to low economic growth, large informal sector,...

Hemodialysis is now included under the health benefit package of Thailand’s UCS
To reduce financial burden among hemodialysis patients, the National Health Security Board, a governing body of the Universal Coverage Scheme, has endorsed a proposal to reimburse patients with chronic kidney failure who opt for hemodialysis instead of peritoneal...

China increases accessibility to rare disease treatment
China moves closer to the dream of Universal Health Coverage by improving the access to rare disease treatment by inclusion of rare disease medicines in the medicare reimbursement list. The National Medical Product Administration prioritizes the rare disease...

Korean government announces MOHW’s New Year Plan for 2022
Key Points in the Action Plan 2022 1. A Safe Healthcare and Medical System establishment The Ministry of Health and Welfare will open a new central infectious disease hospital from 2022 to 2026, assign 757 regular employees and provide part-timers for...

Chad: Workshop to draw up the draft decree defining the AMED health care basket, Mara 9-12 Nov.2021
The Cellule Interministérielle de Coordination de la Stratégie Nationale de Couverture Santé Universelle organized from November 09 to 12, 2021 at the Centre d'Accueil et de Formation (CAF) de Mara, a workshop " de définition des paniers des soins du Dispositif...

Singapore’s Integrated Shield Plans have extended coverage periods for hospitalization due to COVID vaccine until the end of 2022
In Singapore, the Integrated Shield Plan (IP) is optional for health coverage provided by private insurance companies. Seven insurers providing IPs have agreed to extend their coverage to hospitalization from COVID-19 vaccine complications till Dec 31, 2022. ...

Health Insurance Policy Deliberation Committee was held for benefit packages and policy measures
The Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) (Minister Kwon Deok-cheol) held the 25th Health Insurance Policy Deliberation Committee(HIPDC)*, chaired by MOHW 2nd Vice Minister Ryu Geun-hyuk) on November 25, 2021. The KIPDC decided on the benefits package and fee schedule....

The budget of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea for 2022
The total budget of the Ministry of Health and Welfare for 2022 is confirmed at 97.47 trillion won(over US$ 100 Billion), accounting for 16% of the entire government budget. It is an increase of 7.90 trillion won (8.8%) from the 2021 budget (89.57 trillion won). The...

The state of Lagos, Nigeria, approves 14.4 USD as COVID-19 vaccine cost at the private health facilities.
In October, 2021 the Lagos state government approved the sum of N6000 (14.4 USD) for the administration of vaccines against coronavirus infection at private health facilities in the state. Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu said that the money would allow the private...