Côte d’Ivoire: CMU health care benefits, mandatory waiting period known
Koaci's article reports on new CMU provisions: "After setting the terms and conditions of access to benefits health care benefits under the Couverture Maladie Universelle ( CMU ), the waiting period mandatory waiting period known. This is a period of three (3) months...
Arrete interministeriel instituant le panier de soins
Basket of care for the health insurance component of Projet ARCH in Benin.
Haiti – Country Mapping : Large Scale Cash Transfers for Covid-19 Response (9/2020)
VII International and Practical Conference “Health Technology Assessment: Adoption of innovations into the Program of State Guarantees of free medical care and Compulsory Health Insurance System”
On October 7, 2020, the VII International and Practical Conference “Health Technology Assessment: Adoption of innovations into the Program of State Guarantees of free medical care and Compulsory Health Insurance System” was held in Moscow. Main topics of the...
Leveraging the strengths of a mixed purchasing system for COVID-19: a perspective from Indonesia
Leveraging the strengths of a mixed purchasing system for COVID-19: a perspective from Indonesia Anooj Pattnaik, Deputy Director for Learning www.ThinkWell.global Prastuti Soewondo, Country Director, ThinkWell Indonesia Nadhila Adani, Analyst, ThinkWell Indonesia...
Breast cancer increases five-fold in Mozambique since 1960
A study published in International Journal of Cancer published in 2020 describes the evolution of cancer incidence in Mozambique. The study finds a high prevalence of HIV-related cancers. Overall, 44% of cancers in Maputo and 52% in Beira are estimated...
Effects of temporary abolition of user fees in Sofala province – Mozambique – 2020
Draft ESP costing report
The draft essential health service package costing (ESP) report was prepared by Dr. Shankar Prinja, WB consultant with support by the WB and WHO Lao country office. The study was conducted since early 2019 and covered 121 interventions of the essential health service...
Costing data collection training presentation
Presentation on HIBP costing study training by Dr. Arthorn
National Health Policy – Ensuring Healthy lives for all – Ghana – January 2020
Employee State Insurance Scheme – Social Health Insurance for Workers
The Employee State Insurance Scheme of India is legislated by the Employees' State Insurance Act of 1948, the first major legislation on social security for workers in independent India. The intention then was to contribute to socio-economic improvements for...
Draft Financial Impact Assessment on National Social Security Fund in Response to COVID-19
The financial assessments are conducted by the ILO based on data provided by the NSSF as at 3 April 2020. Due to the short time available, these calculations are approximate and based on a number of assumptions. This overview aims to provide an idea of the magnitude...
Factory women workers empowered with knowledge on health-related social security benefits in Viet Nam
Over the month of July, more than 1,100 women employees working in different industrial zones in Viet Nam attended communication fora on health-related benefits of the social security system. The fora were part of the cooperation initiative of ILO and Vietnam General...
Un revenu minimum provisoire pour protéger les plus pauvres pourrait ralentir COVID-19 (Rapport PNUD)