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Benefit package Archives - P4H Network
492 results
Niger: 50% reduction in the cost of healthcare in public facilities
Niger: 50% reduction in the cost of healthcare in public facilities

The Niger authorities have decided to reduce the cost of health services in public health centers by 50%, according to a communiqué issued at the end of a council of ministers held on August 22, 2024.The weekly meeting of the executive ruled on patient care in Niger's...

Decree setting AMU’s basket of services

The establishment of standards for medical and paramedical procedures covered by the universal health insurance scheme is necessary to guarantee high-quality, harmonized and standardized care. This decree therefore defines the values and nomenclatures of the...

Philippine Health Insurance Corporation increases dialysis benefit
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation increases dialysis benefit

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has increased its dialysis benefit to alleviate the financial burden on PhilHealth beneficiaries.According to the Philippine News Agency, PhilHealth president and chief executive officer Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. and...

With the therapy fund reform, the patient’s deductible is canceled
With the therapy fund reform, the patient’s deductible is canceled

As of July 1, 2024, Estonia's Health Fund (Tervisekassa) fully manages the Therapy Fund, removing patient co-payments and providing a clear list of covered service providers. Family doctors can refer patients to clinical psychologists, speech therapists, and...

CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
Côte d’Ivoire

For the past five years, Ivorians have had access to universal health coverage. The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene is working hard to ensure that enrolment is effective throughout the country. Despite this, people still need to be convinced by the health...