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Benefit package Archives - P4H Network
492 results
Draft ESP costing report
Lao People’s Democratic Republic

The draft essential health service package costing (ESP) report was prepared by Dr. Shankar Prinja, WB consultant with support by the WB and WHO Lao country office. The study was conducted since early 2019 and covered 121 interventions of the essential health service...

Employee State Insurance Scheme – Social Health Insurance for Workers
Employee State Insurance Scheme – Social Health Insurance for Workers

The Employee State Insurance Scheme of India is legislated by the Employees' State Insurance Act of 1948, the first major legislation on social security for workers in independent India. The intention then was to contribute to socio-economic improvements for...

Social Protection via One-Window Operations in Pakistan

Healthy DEvelopments currently features an account of the way the Support to Social Protection - Social Health Protection (SP-SHP) project supports Pakistan in enhancing coordination and effectiveness of existing social protection schemes - both at physical service...

Health Financing and Public Expenditure in The Gambia

Health financing is one of the main pillars of the health care system and a decisive factor in its performance in terms of equity, efficiency, and quality. It requires collaboration between the government, donors, other partners and beneficiaries. In The Gambia,...