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Benefit package Archives - Page 3 of 100 - P4H Network
499 results
CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
Côte d’Ivoire

For the past five years, Ivorians have had access to universal health coverage. The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene is working hard to ensure that enrolment is effective throughout the country. Despite this, people still need to be convinced by the health...

Upcoming course on Benefit-cost analysis: Valuing life and health
Upcoming course on Benefit-cost analysis: Valuing life and health

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is organising an online course for practitioners, scholars, policymakers, and other stakeholders who have some familiarity with methods for economic evaluation and want to increase their basic understanding of benefit-cost...

Kazakhstan opened a national center for orphan diseases
Kazakhstan opened a national center for orphan diseases

The Republican Center for Orphan Diseases (RCOD) started its work on June 1st of 2024, marking a contribution to children's health on the International Childrens' Day. The main goal of the center is to improve medical care and quality of life for patients with rare...

China to expand basic medical insurance coverage for newborn children
China to expand basic medical insurance coverage for newborn children

China has initiated a campaign to extend basic medical insurance coverage to cover medical expense of newborns.According to Xinhua, Chinese authorities have issued a circular announcing the launch of this campaign on March 2, with the goal of expanding basic medical...

Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

At its traditional cabinet meeting, the Burkinabe government approved a significant reduction in the fees for CT scans, MRIs and haemodialysis. These cost reductions range from 50 to 60% and are scheduled to take effect from the end of April 2024."The Council (of...