success story_customer service
PSSP technical brief Final
Directory of mutual health insurance companies in Benin as of December 31, 2012
Overall, as at December 31, 2016, there were around 200 mutuals in operation in Benin, serving 200,000 beneficiaries.
Sharing of two ANCRE project documents on the private health sector in Benin
Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health, funded by USAID and implemented by URC
EU-SPS-OECD mission in Zambia
The EU-SPS-OECD mission, in collaboration with the ILO and supported by the P4H is meeting MoH and key partners to identify analysis required to further inform extension of SHI coverage to workers in the informal economy. The expected outcome of the mission is the...

Tripartite consultative Labour Council (TCLC)
The tripartite constituents convene in three consecutive TCLC meetings to consult on the proposed Social Protection Bill. The Social Protection Bill introduces the establishment of an integrated institutional framework for Social Protection. In line with the National...

Social Protection Joint Annual Review took place from 21st to 31st of August 2017
Field trip: 21st to 25th of August JAR workshop: 30th and 31th of August The Joint Annual Review aims at assessing the performance of the Social Protection sector in terms of budget and coverage of the main social protection programmes and make appropriate...

Publication of studies on Extension of social health protection to workers in the informal economy
The study explores the possible strategies to expand Social Protection to small scale farmers, domestic workers and construction workers as well as the requirements for SHI scheme design adjustments to fit the income patterns and employment arrangements which prevail...
Prime Minister promises health allowance for each newborn (The Phnom Penh Post – local news)
The Phnom Penh Post: Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to pay female garment workers $100 for each newborn child on his latest factory tour visit, adding to an already growing list of pledges, with the premier saying some of it would come out of his own pocket. Read more
Free healthcare plan gets underway (Khmer Times – local news)
Khmer Times, 27 September 2017: The Labour Ministry and the Health Ministry have vowed to work together to bring free, efficient healthcare to workers in both the informal and formal sectors. Prime Minister Hun Sen made the promise of free healthcare for all workers...
Public servants to get health and injury cover (The Phnom Penh Post – local news)
The Phnom Penh Post: The National Social Security Fund is developing a health insurance and work injuries scheme for civil servants, officials have confirmed. Read more
Government rolls out health checkups for workers (The Phnom Penh Post – local news)
The Phnom Penh Post: The Ministry of Health has started a short-term campaign to offer free medical checkups to garment factory workers across four provinces, a move that was lauded yesterday by Prime Minister Hun Sen as he continued his ongoing charm offensive at...
The National Social Protection Policy Framework officially launched on 24 July 2017
The Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, during the launching ceremony of National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025, addressed the government’s past achievement in social protection and long term vision in building social health protection system which aims...