The presentation of the results took place with the MSP team and the partners of the joint P4H mission. See PPT below. 2015_08_26_BM-Presentation_strategie_financement_support_RDC_final 2015_08_27_BM-Presentation_simulations_financement_sante_RDC
Presentation of the World Bank’s new Health Nutrition project
At a meeting of TFPs in the health sector, the WB presents its new health and nutrition project. Sub-component 2.1. is specifically dedicated to supporting the implementation of CMU. 2015_02_17_BM_Senegal-Presentation_projet_Sante_Nutrition
Distribution of Alain Letourmy’s study report on the basic healthcare basket and the evolution of CRM architecture in Mali.
As part of the new 2014-2023 health financing policy, the WHO consultant makes the following proposals to make the existing CRM system more efficient and effective: - Transform CANAM into a single AMU fund - Clarify the role of delegated management bodies (INPS, CMSS,...
Presentation of the results of the household survey on the impact of support for the PMS reimbursement system – October 2013
The study was carried out by the Institut de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU). 2013_10_12_Rapport_enquete_menages_PMS_2012
ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya
Following an advisory mission to Kenya undertaken from 28 June to 3 July by Xenia Scheil-Adlung and Axel Weber, ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya. See the mission report below....
Adoption of the National Basic Social Security Strategy 2010-2014
Adoption of the Mozambique law on social protection
The Government of Mozambique enacts a new law to establish a social protection framework in the country. 2007_02_07_Gov_Mozambique-Law_on_social_protection