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Benefit package Archives - Page 33 of 100 - P4H Network
499 results
Publication of the second progress report on UHIP – November 2011

Following comments from the various players involved on the first progress report on UHIP, the intersectoral technical committee is preparing a second progress report on UHIP, approved by the Benin government. This document, along with the draft law on UHIP and...

First progress report on UHIP – July 2011

The Comité Technique Interministériel RAMU (CTI-RAMU) draws up its "First progress report on RAMU", the future universal health insurance scheme, and shares it with several development partners and the P4H network coordination office....

Brief on RAMU-BF: fundamental assumptions

The WHO/P4H focal point shares a "non-paper" from ST AMU. The result of lengthy work by the ST-AMU (the structure of the Ministry of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Security in charge of the AMU dossier), the brief shared here is a document that summarizes the...

Creation of a national technical group on CSU (GTN-CSU)

Following the lessons learned from the first joint French-speaking training session on CSU in Daka, the Minister of Public Health decided to set up a GTN-CSU to support the government's strategic thinking in this priority area.    

Workshop on the UHIP care basket, its cost and financing
Burkina Faso

PRESENTATION BASKET CHOICE WORKSHOP Summary of the AMU workshop of June 9 and 10, 2015 - AB  On June 9 and 10, 2015, a workshop was held in Ouagadougou on the RAMU-BF care basket, its cost and financing. Significant consensus has been reached. All the...

Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system
Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system

‘Sláintecare’ (published in 2017) is the Irish government’s 10 year health plan. The five interrelated components include population health; entitlements and access to healthcare; integrated care; funding; and implementation. The goals of this plan are to establish a...

Presentation of the World Bank’s new Health Nutrition project

At a meeting of TFPs in the health sector, the WB presents its new health and nutrition project. Sub-component 2.1. is specifically dedicated to supporting the implementation of CMU. 2015_02_17_BM_Senegal-Presentation_projet_Sante_Nutrition