En collaboration avec le Ministère de la Santé, l'OMS organise un atelier de lancement d'une étude sur l'utilisation de mécanismes de financement innovants pour lever des fonds additionnels en vue de la progression vers la CUS. Etat des lieux des mécanismes de...
Awareness-raising workshop on universal health coverage – December 5&6, 2013
In partnership with the Ministry of Health, WHO is organizing an awareness-raising workshop on universal health coverage for key decision-makers. 2013_12_05_Health_financing_state_of_play_Togo_Bakusa_provisional 1 Presentation of the objectives of the workshop Raising...
Second meeting of the “financial access to healthcare” TFP group – June 12, 2014
The meeting focused on discussions concerning the implementation of the exemption from payment for care for children under 5 and its future articulation with RAMU-BF. 2014_06_12_Exemption_paiement_presentation_ONG...
Workshop on the UHIP care basket, its cost and financing
PRESENTATION BASKET CHOICE WORKSHOP Summary of the AMU workshop of June 9 and 10, 2015 - AB On June 9 and 10, 2015, a workshop was held in Ouagadougou on the RAMU-BF care basket, its cost and financing. Significant consensus has been reached. All the...

Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system
‘Sláintecare’ (published in 2017) is the Irish government’s 10 year health plan. The five interrelated components include population health; entitlements and access to healthcare; integrated care; funding; and implementation. The goals of this plan are to establish a...
Presentation of the results of WB support for the health care basket and simulations of health financing in the DRC
The presentation of the results took place with the MSP team and the partners of the joint P4H mission. See PPT below. 2015_08_26_BM-Presentation_strategie_financement_support_RDC_final 2015_08_27_BM-Presentation_simulations_financement_sante_RDC
Presentation of the World Bank’s new Health Nutrition project
At a meeting of TFPs in the health sector, the WB presents its new health and nutrition project. Sub-component 2.1. is specifically dedicated to supporting the implementation of CMU. 2015_02_17_BM_Senegal-Presentation_projet_Sante_Nutrition
Distribution of Alain Letourmy’s study report on the basic healthcare basket and the evolution of CRM architecture in Mali.
As part of the new 2014-2023 health financing policy, the WHO consultant makes the following proposals to make the existing CRM system more efficient and effective: - Transform CANAM into a single AMU fund - Clarify the role of delegated management bodies (INPS, CMSS,...
Presentation of the results of the household survey on the impact of support for the PMS reimbursement system – October 2013
The study was carried out by the Institut de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU). 2013_10_12_Rapport_enquete_menages_PMS_2012
ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya
Following an advisory mission to Kenya undertaken from 28 June to 3 July by Xenia Scheil-Adlung and Axel Weber, ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya. See the mission report below....
Adoption of the National Basic Social Security Strategy 2010-2014
Adoption of the Mozambique law on social protection
The Government of Mozambique enacts a new law to establish a social protection framework in the country. 2007_02_07_Gov_Mozambique-Law_on_social_protection