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Benefit package Archives - P4H Network
492 results
Workshop on the UHIP care basket, its cost and financing
Burkina Faso

PRESENTATION BASKET CHOICE WORKSHOP Summary of the AMU workshop of June 9 and 10, 2015 - AB  On June 9 and 10, 2015, a workshop was held in Ouagadougou on the RAMU-BF care basket, its cost and financing. Significant consensus has been reached. All the...

Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system
Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system

‘Sláintecare’ (published in 2017) is the Irish government’s 10 year health plan. The five interrelated components include population health; entitlements and access to healthcare; integrated care; funding; and implementation. The goals of this plan are to establish a...

Presentation of the World Bank’s new Health Nutrition project

At a meeting of TFPs in the health sector, the WB presents its new health and nutrition project. Sub-component 2.1. is specifically dedicated to supporting the implementation of CMU. 2015_02_17_BM_Senegal-Presentation_projet_Sante_Nutrition