This article is the second part of the series and provides recommendations for health financing and social health protection in China.The artilce uses a health system conceptual framework and proposes a set of feasible policy recommendations that draw from...

WHO illustrates how Uzbekistan has transformed its health system in a new report
In its report titled "Transforming the health system in Uzbekistan: two-year implementation review", WHO showcases Uzbekistan's recent health system reforms and provides recommendations related to primary health care, health financing and e-health solutions -- the...

South Korea: Government to reform national health insurance and pension schemes
The government of the Republic of Korea will begin earnest discussions to boost the sustainability of the national health insurance system and plans to unveil reform measures by September.The Health Ministry has drawn up a plan to devise preliminary measures this...

Armenia decided to gradually introduce National Health Insurance
According to Radio azatutyun news, the Armenian government is starting preparations for the gradual introduction of a system of national health insurance that should cover the country’s population. An insurance plan unveiled by the government recently calls for a...
From Universal Health Coverage services packages to budget appropriation: the long journey to implementation
An analysis of how essential packages of health services (EPHS) can (or cannot) help foster more and better health financing systems. Abstract EPHS potentially contribute to universal health coverage (UHC) financing through several pathways. Generally, expectations on...

The Use of Evidence-Informed Deliberative Processes for Health Benefit Package Design in Kazakhstan
Authors Wija Oortwijn 1 , Gavin Surgey 1 , Tanja Novakovic 2 , Rob Baltussen 1 , Lyazzat Kosherbayeva 3 published an open access article titled “The Use of Evidence-Informed Deliberative Processes for Health Benefit Package Design in Kazakhstan” in the...

Mali-RAMU: Association of private practitioners opts for rational prescribing
On March 18, 2023, the Association des Médecins Libérales du Mali organized a scientific day in Bamako on "The rights and duties of liberal doctors, for rational prescribing within the RAMU framework". The opening ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Health...

Mali: Threat of strike against compulsory health insurance
Unions of Malian pharmacists and medical analysis laboratories are threatening to suspend the services of Amo, the compulsory health insurance scheme. The cause: late payments by the Malian government."If the problem is not resolved by then, the Amo service,...

Kazakhstan is merging the two benefits packages introduced in 2020 with SHI
Historically, Kazakhstan has adopted two benefits packages with the launch of the Mandatory Social Health Insurance reform nationally in January 2020. One was the guaranteed volume of free medical care, universally accessible by all regardless of the insurance...

Côte d’Ivoire-Webinar on strategic purchasing for primary healthcaré lessons from national workshops.
The Global Financing Facility (GFF), the World Bank and the World Health Organization are working together to organize country workshops to help ministries of health tackle this crucial political and technical agenda for the CSU. A webinar is scheduled for Thursday...

Сенегал-CMU: на примере региона Тамбакунда

Senegal-CMU: The Tambacounda region as an example
During a tour of the Tambacounda region on April 30, Aly Fall, technical advisor in charge of media and public relations at the Agence nationale de la couverture maladie universelle (ANCMU), highlighted the strong momentum of universal health coverage (CMU) in the...

NHIF contributions for low income earners in Kenya to drop by 40% starting July, 2023
The government of Kenya announces a reduction in monthly NHIF contribution for low-income earners by 40% and establishes a volunteer program to enhance healthcare access for marginalised communities. President William Ruto announced changes to the National Health...

CMU Côte d’Ivoire: the government expands the range of healthcare services on offer
Abidjan, March 22, 2023: Specialties such as cardiology, diabetology, anesthesia and intensive care have been added by the government to the list of conditions covered by the Universal Health Coverage (CMU).The decision to add cardiology, diabetology, anesthesia and...

How the global Pandemic Fund can live up to its great potential | Opinion
Projects to be financed by the first round of funding will prioritize strengthening comprehensive disease surveillance and early warning, laboratory systems, and human resources/public health workforce capacity.Type or paste here your text