Over 6 million Kenyan mothers have benefitted since 2017 Linda Mama Program launch The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has assured Kenyans that the government-funded Linda Mama program whose aim is to reduce maternal and child mortality and alleviate the...
A review of local government and health facility implementation experiences in Results-Based Financing for primary health care in Uganda
Starting in the financial year 2018/19, the Ministry of Health (MOH) began implementing Results-Based Financing (RBF) under the Uganda Reproductive, Maternal, and Child Health Improvement Project (URMCHIP). To operationalize RBF, the MOH introduced performance-linked...
How to think about health system reform in Colombia?
As of September 2022, there were 23,408,478 people registered under the contributory regime and 25,491,507 under the subsidized regime, with a national coverage of around 99%. Only 25-30% of the affiliates are contributors who pay the corresponding social...
Has Latin America achieved universal health coverage yet? Lessons from four countries
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico have made progress towards UHC, although "better financial protection is required". These countries achieved an overall index of essential coverage of 76-77%, and households out of pocket health expenditures fall below 25%. New...
Estonia to more than double mental health funding to €7 million in 2023
As reported by ERR News, mental health in Estonia is to receive an additional €4.7 million in funding next year, more than doubling the amount of money allocated in Estonia's 2023 state budget to a total of €7 million in public funding for mental health services. The...
Healthcare expenditure per citizen of Kazakhstan doubled since SHI was launched
As reported by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Deputy Prime Minister Eraly Tugzhanov held a meeting at MoH to discuss the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State. The event was attended by the Minister of Healthcare...
Universal health coverage and the poor: to what extent are health financing policies making a difference? Evidence from a benefit incidence analysis in Zambia
Zambia has invested in several healthcare financing reforms aimed at achieving universal access to health services. This study conducted a quasi-longitudinal benefit incidence analysis of public and overall health spending between 2006 and 2014 by combining data from...
Burundi: Strategic options for universal health coverage in Burundi
From September 05 to 09, 2022, GT-CSU members met in workshops to discuss the following agenda: 1) Revision and improvement of the health financing strategy document 2) Identify and analyze the different possible scenarios for Burundi to move towards CSU, and analyze...
BURUNDI: Workshop to analyze strategic options for health financing
Setting up the CSU is still one of Burundi's national priorities. The development of Burundi's health financing strategy will enable the country to move towards UHC, and is guided by advocacy supported by the country's political will, legal instruments and...
8% of the population in Honduras has no access to health care
In Honduras there is a health system integrated by the public and private sectors. The public sector is composed of the Ministry of Health (financed with resources from the national budget), which provides services to 60% of the population, and the Honduran...
Dominican Republic UHC Study
This 2018 publication is part of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Studies Series launched in 2013 with the objective of sharing knowledge regarding pro-poor reforms advancing UHC in developing countries. The series is aimed at policy-makers and UHC reform...
Structure and operation of the Chilean health system 2019
The document initially includes different definitions of health systems, equity and access to health services, universal health coverage, among others. The Chilean health system is segmented and consists of a mixed system of financing, insurance and service provision....
Resolution 2292 Health services and technologies financed with resources from the Capitation Payment Unit in Colombia.
The General Social Security Health System guarantees to all persons residing in Colombia, all health services and technologies for the promotion of health, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation of the disease, with the exception of those...
South Africa’s new National Health Insurance is set to be implemented in stages says the health minister
The Minister of Health, Joe Phaahla recently participated in a written parliamentary Q&A where he said that the South Africa’s new National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme is set to be introduced in several stages and not all at once. The minister said, It is...
The influence of the National Health Insurance scheme of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on healthcare access and catastrophic health expenditures for patients with chronic renal disease
Lao People’s Democratic Republic has implemented the National Health Insurance (NHI) since 2016. Recently, haemodialysis has been included under the benefit package of the NHI scheme. This study aims to analyze the effects of NHI on accessibility and catastrophic...