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Benefit package Archives - Page 6 of 100 - P4H Network
499 results
Mali: Threat of strike against compulsory health insurance
Mali: Threat of strike against compulsory health insurance

Unions of Malian pharmacists and medical analysis laboratories are threatening to suspend the services of Amo, the compulsory health insurance scheme. The cause: late payments by the Malian government."If the problem is not resolved by then, the Amo service,...

Сенегал-CMU: на примере региона Тамбакунда
Senegal-CMU: The Tambacounda region as an example

During a tour of the Tambacounda region on April 30, Aly Fall, technical advisor in charge of media and public relations at the Agence nationale de la couverture maladie universelle (ANCMU), highlighted the strong momentum of universal health coverage (CMU) in the...

How to think about health system reform in Colombia?
How to think about health system reform in Colombia?

As of September 2022, there were 23,408,478 people registered under the contributory regime and 25,491,507 under the subsidized regime, with a national coverage of around 99%. Only 25-30% of the affiliates are contributors who  pay the corresponding social...

Estonia to more than double mental health funding to €7 million in 2023
Estonia to more than double mental health funding to €7 million in 2023

As reported by ERR News, mental health in Estonia is to receive an additional €4.7 million in funding next year, more than doubling the amount of money allocated in Estonia's 2023 state budget to a total of €7 million in public funding for mental health services. The...