The sixth edition of the World Bank Somalia economic update series made several policy recommendations that would set the country up for economic recovery. These include; Investing in health and social safety nets would help improve health outcomes and human capital...
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Presentation panelist Kyrgyzstan Russian (March 16, 2022)
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Presentation panelist Kazakhstan Russian (March 16, 2022)
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Presentation panelist Azerbaijan Russian (March 16, 2022)
P4H Webinar on CIS #1 – Presentation panelist Azerbaijan English (16 March, 2022)
The Implications of health financing for health access and equity in Nigeria
Health financing is an important function of the health system and plays a key role in enabling progress towards Universal Health Coverage by improving effective service coverage and ensuring adequate financial protection from impoverishment arising from health...
Evaluating Health Insurance Programmes: An Insurance Cascade Framework
Catastrophic health spending in India has remained high over the past 15 years despite the introduction of large and comprehensive social health insurance schemes (Pandey et al 2018, 2018b). Understanding why these schemes have not improved financial risk protection...
Uzbekistan adopted a roadmap of projects with UNICEF worth 102.5 mln USD
Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, together with UNICEF, agreed to implement a set of projects worth $102.5 million. The Minister of Health of Uzbekistan B. Musaev and the head of the UNICEF country office M. Mammadzade signed the Road Map of activities between MoH and...
Korea enhanced the COVID-19 response and childbirth care
Summary The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters (CDSCH) in South Korea held a video conference, attended by the central ministries and 17 major local governments, to discuss the weekly risk evaluation and related response measures, fees paid...
New document available on Ghana country page
An article discussing the importance of political will in the implementation of a national health insurance has been uploaded to the Ghana country page. The full article can be accessed using the link below.
Vietnam Social Security: Ready for the pilot implementation of chip-based ID cards in medical treatment with health insurance
Viet Nam: Covid patients struggle to get documents to make social insurance claim
In Vietnam social security claims for COVID 19 treatment require sick leave certificates that are delayed due to multiple and cumbersome procedures. The Law on Social Insurance provides that an employee who falls ill and must temporarily leave work is entitled to a...
Newly gained access to dental care under social health insurance showed 50% volume increase in 2021
Dental care is a demanded type of care within the national healthcare. The Social Health Insurance Fund reported that the volume of dental services provided under mandatory health insurance system in 2021 increased by 50%. As part of covered...
Health systems in action report published for Uzbekistan
As part ot the Health Systems in Action Insight Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has published a Health systems in action report for Uzbekistan (see attached document). Below is the overview to the report by...
Health systems in action report published for Ukraine
As part ot the Health Systems in Action Insight Series, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has published a Health systems in action report for Ukraine (see attached document). Below is the overview to the report by the Observatory:...