Restitution Saly 2019 – Burkina
Restitution Saly 2019 – CIV
Restitution Saly 2019 – Mali
Restitution Saly 2019 – Mauritania
Restitution Saly 2019 – Senegal
Restitution Saly 2019 – Togo
AMU experience-sharing laboratory in Saly 2019
An exchange laboratory on AMU in French-speaking West Africa has been organized by WHO in November 2019. 7 French-speaking countries with a strong current dynamic on the subject were brought together (Burkina Faso, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali,...
Partnership with the Asia Pacific Network for Health Systems Strengthening (ANHSS)
From January 2020, the P4H Asia Network for Health Financing and Social Health Protection is officially partnering with the Asia Pacific Network for Health Systems Strengthening (ANHSS) which was launched in 2009. The ANHSS has three main thematic focuses that...
Study visit to Thailand on monitoring and promoting evidence-based policy making for UHC (November 20-22)
P4H facilitated a study tour to Thailand with representatives of the Cambodian National Institute of Public Health, the General Secretariat to the National Social Protection Council and the Department of Planning and Health Information, Ministry of Health. Together...
The Phnom Penh Post: PM calls on doctors to follow ethics and act professionally
The Phnom Penh Post, 16 December 2019: "Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday called on doctors to respect the honour and dignity of the medical profession and ensure they were always professional with patients and abided by ethics. He made the call at a graduation...
P4H Mission to Pakistan, 11-14 November 2019.
P4H's Mission to Islamabad took place from 11 to 14 November 2019. The mission consisted of officials from GIZ, WB and WHO. Its main objective was to organize a L4UHC coaching workshop to facilitate sharing of successes, challenges and best practices among L4UHC...
Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal Health Coverage EQHA,
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH (FHI 360) on mapping healthcare quality improvement interventions by all partners in Cambodia and his recommendations for USAID-EQHA project to contribute to Strengthening Quality in Cambodia Health System to Achieve Universal...
Building a Quality Health System in Cambodia: Lessons from International Experience
Presentation by Bruno Bouchet, MD, MPH, Director Health Systems Strengthening, FHI 360, Washington DC office. From the debriefing meeting on the contribution of USAID-EQHA to building a sustainable quality health system in Cambodia which was held on Nov. 7, 2019 at...
L4UHC Coaching Workshop in Islamabad, 12-13 Nov 2019
The P4H Leadership Program for UHC (L4UHC) is getting increasing popularity because of its focus on developing personal and collective skills in understanding and addressing non-technical aspects of UHC. It is a year long program consisting of 3 modules. Pakistan is...