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Capacity Development Archives - Page 18 of 113 - P4H Network
558 results
Health economics training in Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso

This training course (the first edition of which took place at Ferdi in Clermont-Ferrand in autumn 2018) is aimed at healthcare executives from French-speaking African countries. High-level and demanding, it features not only a 5-day face-to-face component with 3...

Release of the first IPS-CNAM Newsletter (Ivory Coast)
Release of the first IPS-CNAM Newsletter (Ivory Coast)
Côte d’Ivoire

This first issue heralds the launch of CMU in Côte d'Ivoire... here we are! file:///C:/Users/bigearda/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/DV8QWYMO/CMU%20INFOS%20Newsletter%20-%20juin%202019.pdf  

The Phnom Penh Post “Ministry requests ADB aid for the most needy “
The Phnom Penh Post “Ministry requests ADB aid for the most needy “

The Phnom Penh Post, 24 July 2019: "Cambodia on Tuesday requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to consider providing aid – especially to the elderly, people with disabilities and orphaned children. In the meantime, the bank is studying the country’s social welfare...

L4UHC Asia: Module 2
L4UHC Asia: Module 2

The second module of the Asia 2019-2020 cycle will be held in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan on the 11-14th June 2019. The participating countries are Vietnam, Myanmar and Pakistan.

Stories from the field # 3
Stories from the field # 3

Welcome to a new issue of Stories from the field, with great features about Sri Lanka's focus on primary health care, and Oman's work on patient safety. In 2019, we will continue to share your many stories of change from the field. If you have a...

Stories from the field # 5
Stories from the field # 5

Welcome to the latest issue of 'Stories from the field', all about how countries are working to achieve universal health coverage. In Issue 5 we share an inspiring feature from Niger on how strengthening the health workforce aims to provide health services to an...