L4UHC Africa 2016-2017 Report Module 2
L4UHC Africa 2016-2017 Report Module 3
L4UHC Timing Template
Tool to coordinate the selection of suitable dates for the three L4UHC modules. Team members and partners can enter their availability for a range of proposed dates.
L4UHC M&E Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan from the L4UHC in Asia and Africa Programme 2015 - 2017
L4UHC UHC Complexity
Introduction to the complexity of UHC.
AIZ Leadership Toolbox
Explanation of different tools and approaches to leadership development and how they can be combined to a comprehensive process.
Minutes P4H International Consultation Workshop 6th February 2018
Minutes P4H International Consultation Workshop
P4H Introduction
A presentation for the P4H International Consultation Workshop in Phnom Penh on 6th February 2018
P4H Countries’ experience
A presentation for P4H International Consultation Workshop in Phnom Penh on 6th February 2018
Key document analysis – GFF Investment Case Meeting 29 March 2018
GFF Country Workshop Report 2018
The Global Financing Facility (GFF) Country Workshop was organized in Accra, Ghana from 28 January to 1 February 2018. The GFF Country Workshop brought together 10 new GFF-supported countries1 to engage and energize their multisectoral country teams around a common...
L4UHC Institutional Set-up
Three press articles: UHIP communication to journalists, collaboration with SPONG
Burkina Faso's Secrétariat Technique de l'Assurance Maladie is living out its final hours for good reason: the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie created on March 1, 2018 by the Council of Ministers saw the adoption of the decree approving its particular statutes on...