From Thursday August 17 to Friday August 18, 2017, was held in the conference room of the Hotel la Princesse in Bohicon, the validation workshop of indicators and tools for monitoring-evaluation of health care of the extreme poor and other beneficiaries of...
Article PF Benin
Health reform presented to the press
EU-SPS-OECD mission in Zambia
The EU-SPS-OECD mission, in collaboration with the ILO and supported by the P4H is meeting MoH and key partners to identify analysis required to further inform extension of SHI coverage to workers in the informal economy. The expected outcome of the mission is the...
GRZ-CP Engagement Meeting on Social Health Insurance
With the support of ILO and P4H, the Ministry of Health re-engaged dialogue with the Cooperating Partners on Social Health Insurance. The one-day dialogue meeting contributed to the following: Understanding of the Cooperating Partners on the rationale, design and...
Tripartite consultative Labour Council (TCLC)
The tripartite constituents convene in three consecutive TCLC meetings to consult on the proposed Social Protection Bill. The Social Protection Bill introduces the establishment of an integrated institutional framework for Social Protection. In line with the National...