Report of the 1st meeting of the functional team n°2
Development Cooperation Report 2016 (DCR)
BM – ARCH report – final assignment 17082017
“Aide-mémoire of World Bank mission on ARCH, Benin August 2017”.
As part of technical assistance to support the implementation of the Insurance for Human Capital Strengthening (ARCH) Project, a World Bank mission in charge of the health and social protection sectors visited Benin from June 19 to 23, 2017. Read the mission report...
The RAMU study amendment workshop took place as planned from July 31 to August 4, 2017 in Bobo Dioulasso. Read his report here!
UHIP work session
On September 25, 2017 a government Cabinet meeting will make a first reading of the RAMU launch dossier before it is transmitted to the Council of Ministers. The main Ministers concerned (in particular those in charge of Health, Finance and Social Protection),...
Pharma sector reform in Burkina Faso
Public effort RAMU according to study
Some assumptions and projections from the actuarial study (2017) have been put on a spreadsheet for comparison with assumptions and projections from previous work (2014-2015).
Note for the meeting PTF acces financier scheduled for 05-10-2017
Report on the Regional Workshop on Sustainable Financing of Health and CMU in Western Africa
Rapport Atelier Régional de Financement pérenne de la santé et de la CMU en Afrique de l'Ouest initiated by the senegalese "Institut Panafricain pour la Citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développent (CICODEV) Afrique".