Message Banderole OMS
White app – Burkina Faso
Free Workshop Report
ToR for the actuarial and financial evaluation of the universal health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso
Informe de misión Benín 2017
Mission report Benin 2017
Mission report Benin 2016
French Ministry of Health launches Android application for reporting adverse drug reactions
The Ministry of Health, with the support of WHO, is launching an Android app for reporting adverse drug reactions on Thursday, June 15, 2017. The ceremony will take place at LAICO Ouaga 2000 from 8am . The WEB-Recognizing Adverse Drug Reactions (WEB-RADR) project is...
Population health : A high-level summit scheduled for July 17 in Ouagadougou
From July 17 to 19, 2017 in Ouagadougou, a high-level meeting on adequate health financing, the demographic dividend and population and development policies in the ECOWAS space, Mauritania and Chad will be held in Burkina. According to a press release sent to...
Arrivée du conseiller régional OMS/P4H en politique de financement de la santé – Nov 2012
An international adviser on health financing policy is deployed in Ouagadougou as part of the WHO contribution to the P4H joint support plans in Benin, Burkina and Mali. Based in the WHO-IST Intercountry Support Team, the WHO adviser will build national capacity in...
First workshop of the National Financing Strategy Drafting Committee
Minutes of the SNFS n°1 June 2015 editorial workshop A dozen technicians met for the first time for a week. They sketched out the architecture of the SNFS. They also put forward a series of questions for debate before being translated into measures (mini-reforms)....
Second SNFS-CU Editorial Board workshop held
The second SNFS-CU editorial workshop was held from August 31 to September 3, 2015. It was attended by around ten people, technicians from the Ministry of Health, ST AMU, MEF (DGB) and PTFs (DUE, World Bank and WHO). Within this framework, the issues identified in the...
Atelier de lancement de la phase II de la recherche Muskoka – CSU
Le 10 Septembre dernier a eu lieu l'atelier de lancement au Burkina Faso de l'étude CSU en Afrique francophone, qui se penche sur la question du "système apprenant". On trouvera ici les présentations faites à cet atelier. Pour tout renseignement le contact est Joël...
MSP invites the P4H network to carry out a joint mission on the CSU
Following the discussions that took place at the French-speaking CSU training in Dakar in April 2015, the MSP is sending the request below to the P4H coordination office. 2015_05_27_MSP_Cameroun-Invitation_reseau_P4H