Le 10 Septembre dernier a eu lieu l'atelier de lancement au Burkina Faso de l'étude CSU en Afrique francophone, qui se penche sur la question du "système apprenant". On trouvera ici les présentations faites à cet atelier. Pour tout renseignement le contact est Joël...
MSP invites the P4H network to carry out a joint mission on the CSU
Following the discussions that took place at the French-speaking CSU training in Dakar in April 2015, the MSP is sending the request below to the P4H coordination office. 2015_05_27_MSP_Cameroun-Invitation_reseau_P4H
Le MSP diffuse la feuille de route CSU au Cameroun suite à la mission conjointe P4H
Le Groupe Technique National CSU (GTN-CSU) intersectoriel mis en place en juin 2015 bénéficiera de l'appui du réseau P4H pour la mise en oeuvre de cette feuille de route en 2015-2016. La première activité programmée est la formation sur la CSU qui se déroulera en...
Formation conjointe P4H sur la CSU à Douala
Les membres du groupe technique national CSU sont formés du 19 au 22 octobre à Douala et la feuille de route 2015-2016 est présentée le dernier jour pour mise à jour et répartition des tâches. Agenda
Workshop to launch the development of a national health financing strategy
The workshop organized as part of the deployment of the GFF initiative took place on February 18 and 19, 2016 in Yaoundé. The agenda, presentations, group work outlines and summary of results are available below. 2016_02_18_Agenda_Atelier_SNFS_2016-2027...
National workshop on the health services tariffs policy – February 2012
The Ministries of Labour and Health hold a national workshop to analyse health services costs in Togo and make decisions on the new pricing policy in public health facilities. The workshop is technically and financially supported by WHO, as one of the activities...
Atelier sur les mécanismes de financement innovant de la CUS – 28&29 novembre 2013
En collaboration avec le Ministère de la Santé, l'OMS organise un atelier de lancement d'une étude sur l'utilisation de mécanismes de financement innovants pour lever des fonds additionnels en vue de la progression vers la CUS. Etat des lieux des mécanismes de...
Awareness-raising workshop on universal health coverage – December 5&6, 2013
In partnership with the Ministry of Health, WHO is organizing an awareness-raising workshop on universal health coverage for key decision-makers. 2013_12_05_Health_financing_state_of_play_Togo_Bakusa_provisional 1 Presentation of the objectives of the workshop Raising...
WHO/P4H regional health financing policy advisor arrives – November 2012
An international adviser on health financing policy is deployed to Ouagadougou, as part of the WHO contribution to the P4H joint support plans in Benin, Burkina and Mali. Based in the WHO-IST Intercountry Support Team, the WHO adviser will build national capacity in...
CMR-TDR categorization and contributory capacity
The updated overview of Health Care Financing Activities for 2017 is available.
event 2- L4UHC présentation
L4UHC Africa flyer FR and Presentation on UHC Tunisia
Madagascar UHC Leadership Group invited together with P4H national partners and the Minister of Health at the residence of the German Ambassador for a working lunch
In February 2017, the Ambassador of Germany - organized by the P4H focal point - invited the Leadership UHC Group for a working lunch with the Minister of Health and the heads of the main P4H partners to foster further the political and inter-sectoral support for UHC....
Madagascar Delegation takes part in the P4H Leadership for UHC program with GIZ and the World Bank – first Module Tunisia
Since November 2016, Madagascar takes part in the Leadership for UHC program, and has formed an inter-ministerial group that is very active to support the progress of the reforms: the group defined their first joint goal as to support developing and adopting the legal...