The Leadership for UHC Program is jointly designed and implemented by GIZ and the World Bank. At GIZ, the P4H Sector Project and the Leadership Group at the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) are involved; at the World Bank, it is the World Bank Institute’s...
Preparations for the Leadership for UHC Program
From: Kai Straehler-Pohl, GIZ Sent: 14 May 2014 Subject: Leadership for UHC – Notification of acceptance and next steps Dear all, We are pleased to inform you that the nomination of your team and you as individuals has been accepted for the GIZ-WBI Leadership for UHC...
MSAS presents status of CMU implementation at joint annual review
In the presence of the various PTFs involved in the field of social health protection, MSAS presented the state of implementation of CMU in the country, addressing the four pillars of the CMU extension strategic plan. 2014_05_05_MSAS_Senegal-Presentation_CMU_RAC_2014
Development of Health Financing capacities
WHO and GIZ are planning a 5-day Health Financing Course in Tajikistan offered by the WHO Regional Office for Europe during the first half of 2014. The course will provide a basic introduction to effective policy instruments to improve health system performance...
Asia Regional Flagship course on Health Systems Strengthening and Sustainable Financing – March 2014
In accordance with the attached SMO, the 5-day Asia Regional Flagship course on Health Systems Strengthening and Sustainable Financing - The challenge of UHC, was successfully delivered to 70 participants. Groups from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar,...
GIP-SPSI supports the implementation of AMO and coordinates with other French players
As part of its support for the implementation of CMU in Senegal, GIP-SPSI is sharing two new documents within the P4H network: - The report on the mission carried out by a GIP SPSI delegation in January to finalize the second cooperation agreement on AMO and the...
Capacity development for UHC – GIZ brings its strength into the P4H network.
From P4H Team at GIZ: The Sector Project P4H is strengthening its capacity development portfolio to bring GIZ’s core competence into play in the P4H Social Health Protection Network. At the heart of the approach is developing Capacity Development Plans with partner...
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection proposes a new international cooperation system – September 2013
The MHSP proposes to organize the coordination of international development cooperation in the Colombian health sector around three main themes, one of them being the support to the reform in the area of health financing and the law 210. Therefore, a "Cooperation and...
WHO consultant mission to train the Technical Committee and various Chadian stakeholders
From August 26 to September 6, 2013, two WHO consultants experienced in supporting processes to extend universal health coverage visited Chad to train members of the Technical Committee and various categories of stakeholders involved. They also worked on the process...
Coordination meeting to set up the Caisse Autonome de Protection Sociale Universelle (CAPSU) – August 2013
A coordination meeting to set up CAPSU is held in Dakar on August 16, 2013.
AFD initiates a joint P4H mission in Colombia – June 2013
The framework law number 1438 setting the major principles of the new health financing reform in Colombia was enacted on 19 January 2011. The bill number 210-2013 currently under discussion in Parliament committees, once approved, will provide further guidance for...
Fact finding mission for supporting the creation of a new social health protection institution
During the first week of July, GIZ P4H Sector Project representatives visited Cambodia for a week to respond to a request by the Ministry of Health to develop the National Social Health Protection Fund. This fund will be a semi-autonomous institute, termed Public...
Training on SHP for HFU Staff and District CBHI Managers – February 2012
Recognizing the need for basic understanding of social health protection (SHP) and Health Financing (HF) principles, concepts and best practices, the Ministry of Health (MoH) asks P4H partners for a curriculum on SHP for its technical staff at central level (e.g....
Course on health financing and social health protection – February 2012
A 10-day course on Health Systems Strengthening and Sustainable Financing, organized by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), GIZ, USAID and the World Bank, and partially funded by P4H, takes place in Kathmandu. The course, attended by sixty participants from...
MoHSW orientation workshop for Health Financing Strategy – July 2011
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) organized a health financing strategy orientation workshop, run by the resident P4H expert and local WHO staff. The WHO framework for developing a strategy was introduced and the strategies adopted by neighbouring...