Short description iHTP is a resource planning and costing tool that provides guidance on the optimal mix of resource inputs (human resources, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and facilities) required for any particular health intervention. Purpose The purpose of iHTP...
Resource Needs Model, HIV/AIDS
Short description This model calculates the total resources needed for prevention, care, and orphan support for HIV/Aids on a national level. It can assist national-level strategic planning efforts by providing a tool and methodology to examine the financial resources...
Planning and Budgeting for TB
Short description This spreadsheet-based tool provides a framework to develop plans and budgets for TB control. It collects costing information, but also sources of funding for each intervention and calculates funding gaps. It produces summary tables and figures...
Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks (MBB)
Short description The Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks tool aims at estimating the potential impact, resources needs, costs and budgeting implications of country strategies to remove implementation constraints of the health system. It helps simulate the potential...
Interactive Costing Tools Guide
Short description This guide consists of an interactive process that allows stakeholders to select an appropriate costing and resource planning tool for estimating the costs of specific health actions that may inform planning, programming and budgeting processes....
Equitable Health Financing Tool
Short description This interactive tool allows users to navigate the evidence on different health financing methods in low- and middle- income countries. Five goals for health financing policy are considered: promote equity, reduce poverty, improve quality, generate...
Short description ADePT is a software package developed by the World Bank that generates standardized tables and charts summarizing the results of distributional analyses of household survey data (Household Budget Surveys, Demographic and Health Surveys and Labour...
Financial risk protection calculation tool
Short description For many years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been trying to encourage countries to share their survey micro-data with WHO so that WHO can produce standardized indicators of financial risk protection. Countries have previously sent data on...
Social Insurance Assessment Tool (SIAT)
Short description SIAT has three components: a framework, an assessment questionnaire, and a spreadsheet-based model. Purpose The purpose of SIAT is to provide a framework and tools to help countries assess options for expanding social insurance coverage and make...
HOSPICAL: A Tool for Allocating Hospital Costs
Short description HOSPICAL is a planning and analysis tool that policy makers, hospital administrators, and financial and department managers can use to improve hospital performance and make decisions about resource allocation within or among hospitals. Purpose The...
Heidi Data Tool
Short description This is an interactive application to present relevant and comparable information on health at the European level. The tool contains a list of indicators, grouped in four sections: demographic and socio-economic factors, health status, determinants...
Community Health Services Costing Tool
Short description The Community Health Services Costing Tool estimates the costs of providing services at the community level, including supervision, training, and drug costs. The tool is easy to use and easily adapted to individual community health programs. Purpose...
Provider Payment Diagnostic and Assessment Guide
Short description This tool helps countries determine their objectives for reform, assess policy options, identify joint learning and technical assistance needs, and progress through the reform process. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to help practitioners and...
Provider Payment Costing Manual
Short description This manual serves as a baseline of knowledge for countries to consult around the different options available to them, and provide concrete examples of how different costing methodologies and data collection strategies work in practice. Purpose The...
Financial Management Assessment Tool (FinMAT)
Short description There are two ways in which this tool can be implemented. The first is to have an external facilitator to use the tool to assess an organization’s financial management capacity, developing a short-term action plan address the most critical areas. The...