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Capital investment in health Archives - P4H Network
6 results
Social protection and the International Monetary Fund

The IMF’s lending programs are still heavily focused on austerity, and its strategy on social spending has not represented the sea-change that the organization advertised. Alternative approaches rooted in principles of universalism can be employed to build up durable...

Strategic Disinvestments in Health: Panacea or Mirage?
Strategic Disinvestments in Health: Panacea or Mirage?

New blog by the Centre for Global Development explores the value of strategic disinvestment in LMICS. Disinvestment in healthcare seeks to redirect resources, but often encounters complex challenges, requiring strategic planning and political support to be effective....

EU, Africa partner on stronger health systems and social protection
EU, Africa partner on stronger health systems and social protection

The European Union (EU) and African Union (AU) launched four new initiatives to improve health systems and social protection in Africa. These initiatives are part of the EU's Global Gateway investment strategy.Three health-focused initiatives aim to: Strengthen health...