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Country Focal Person (P4H-CFP) Archives - P4H Network
143 results
Two P4H-CFPs present at the seventh AfHEA
Two P4H-CFPs present at the seventh AfHEA
Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Guinea

The African Health Economics and Policy Association (AfHEA) organized its seventh biennial Scientific Conference from 10 through 14 March 2025 in Kigali, Rwanda. Serge Mayaka and Virgile Pace, both multicountry assignment team experts and P4H country focal persons...

Five-year tenure advances health financing policy in Mozambique
Five-year tenure advances health financing policy in Mozambique

The five-year appointment of a P4H country focal person as health financing adviser to the Ministry of Health of Mozambique yielded multiple contributions. Complex relationships were deepened, and common cause was forged across sectors around shared interests and...

Towards the CSU: Lessons from Tunisia, prospects for Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire
Towards the CSU: Lessons from Tunisia, prospects for Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire
Tunisia, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire

On November 14, 2023, a webinar will be held entitled: "CSU: lessons learned from the Tunisian journey - Regards croisés du Sénégal et de la Côte d'Ivoire." This virtual meeting provides an opportunity to explore a benchmark in the field of social health protection,...

Reform of the Fonds Commun Santé to accelerate universal health coverage
Reform of the Fonds Commun Santé to accelerate universal health coverage

The reform reaffirms the importance of the Fonds Commun Santé (FCS) in health financing in Niger. The P4H country focal point has been entrusted with the task of considering the options for a redesign. A roadmap has been validated by the stakeholders and monitoring...

Regulation note UGP_P4H 2023

Despite the efforts made and improvements achieved over the last few decades, most of Niger's health and social indicators are still well below the expected public health targets, and progress is slow.The MSP/P/AS is committed, through the reforms it is implementing...

Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa
Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa

P4H Network has contributed to the costing study in Africa that GIZ has supported, among others, through its country focal person and health adviser in Tanzania.The Healthy DEvelopments article explores a series of complex costing studies supported by GIZ across...

P4H-CD meeting with AFD and Expertise France
P4H-CD meeting with AFD and Expertise France

Following the P4H-SG meeting, Expertise France received the Agence française de développement (AFD) and the P4H-CD on its premises at 40, boulevard de Port-Royal 75005 Paris. The objectives of the meeting were to get to know each other in person and discuss the...

Montreux Collaborative
Montreux Collaborative

The Montreux Collaborative is a WHO led platform for collaboration between countries and development partners. It aims to generate and disseminate global and country evidence on how to make budgets work for health, with a specific focus on transforming budget...

L4UHC module for francophone Africa
L4UHC module for francophone Africa
Cameroon, Chad

A regional gathering of the L4UHC programme is always a great experience. The one that took place in Rabat, Morocco, from 16 through 20 October 2023 met all expectations.The coalitions of Chad and Cameroon came together again to meet and share, to reconnect with their...