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Country Focal Person (P4H-CFP) Archives - Page 5 of 33 - P4H Network
142 results
Madagascar : Accelerating the implementation of the CSU: Why? How?

Three priority actions: ► Adopt the Health Financial Protection for All Bill (Pillar 2 of the CSU) currently under preparation. ► Adopt a genuine healthcare financing strategy ► Enable free access for the entire population to a priority basic care package at the CSB...

74th World Health Assembly: Challenges and roadmap for Madagascar

Although this issue relates more to pillar 1 of the CSU (provision of effective, quality health care and services), it is of particular importance in Madagascar, given the ongoing process of drafting a law on financial protection in health care for all users (pillar 2...

Niger: Restitution of the I3S project and presentation of INAM
Niger: Restitution of the I3S project and presentation of INAM

A number of players were in conclave on May 19, 2021 at Centre International des Conférences Mahatma Gandhi in Niamey. For this reason, they took part in the restitution workshop of the Initiative Solidarité Santé Sahel (I3S) project, followed by the...

Niger: I3S project feedback meeting and INAM presentation
Niger: I3S project feedback meeting and INAM presentation

As part of the CSU operationalization process, the Research and Programming Department, in partnership with AFD, is organizing a workshop to review the I3S project, which is drawing to a close, and to present the INAM project.  Around the INAM project, AFD is...

Conducting a joint field mission with Chad’s national partners
Conducting a joint field mission with Chad’s national partners

From February 29 to March 05, 2020, a delegation led by the Deputy Coordinator of CIC-SNCSU, composed of various executives from the Cellule Interministérielle de Coordination de la Stratégie Nationale de la Couverture Santé Universelle (CIC-SNCSU), the Ministry...

Organization of a training and information workshop for CSU actors in Chad
Организация учебно-информационного семинара для игроков CSU в Чаде

Министерство здравоохранения Чада совместно с Межведомственным координационным отделом по всеобщему медицинскому страхованию (CSU) в Чаде и в партнерстве с сетью P4H, Swiss Cooperation и GIZ организовало с 11 по 15 февраля 2020 г. в Нджамене (отель Radisson-Blu)...

CSU Cameroon: 1st phase from 2021
CSU Cameroon: 1st phase from 2021

Phase 1: 2021 to 2025  Coverage: children aged 0 to 5, pregnant women, patients covered by public health programs (tuberculosis, malaria, AIDS, or diabetes etc.....); care and services package comprising 185 interventions and 101 sub-interventions...

Technical assistance to strengthen human capital in Benin

In this ppt presentation the World Bank presents the study to be carried out by a technical assistance for the development of a human capital strengthening project. The objectives of the study are : Develop a national human capital development strategy(HCD) and...