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Financial Protection Archives - Page 11 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
Technical Note on Health System Financing in Colombia
Technical Note on Health System Financing in Colombia

The National Association of Colombian Businessmen (ANDI) and the Colombian Association of Integral Medicine Companies (ACEMI) presented a technical note to contribute to the debate on the financing of the healthcare system and its sustainability.The health system in...

Health Financial Protection before and during COVID-19 in Paraguay

An analysis is presented from the perspective of excessive, catastrophic and impoverishing out-of-pocket expenses in the National Health System.Public health spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product was equal to 1.8% between 2000 and 2009 and 2.8% between...

Michelin sets up a “decent wage” for all employees around the world
Michelin sets up a “decent wage” for all employees around the world

French company, Michelin's announcement of implementing 'universal social protection floor' to benefit employees in all its countries of operation is an example of private sector engagement in driving social health protection. In a recent article published by Les...

Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Côte d’Ivoire

To achieve the goal of zero cases of HIV/AIDS by 2030 and to work towards good universal health coverage, the Ivorian Minister in charge of Health, mobilized kings and traditional chiefs on Thursday April 04, 2024, during a meeting in the Ivorian capital.The Minister...

The Economics Behind Health and Equity
The Economics Behind Health and Equity

Country-specific approaches to financing health systems and vaccines in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region can improve health outcomes while reducing out-of-pocket expenditure - Salzburg Global SeminarMENA Health Financing: The Middle East and North Africa...

Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment

This report provides a concise summary of Ethiopia's Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the health financing system, and priority areas of health financing that need to be addressed to drive progress towards Universal...

Achieving universal social protection for people with tuberculosis

The Lancet Public Health paper discusses how to improve financial protection for people suffering from tuberculosis through a social benefits package drawing from the discussions of the UN High-level meeting on tuberculosis last year, to ensure tangible results.This...

Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

At its traditional cabinet meeting, the Burkinabe government approved a significant reduction in the fees for CT scans, MRIs and haemodialysis. These cost reductions range from 50 to 60% and are scheduled to take effect from the end of April 2024."The Council (of...