With information obtained from household surveys, the study aims to measure the impact of affiliation to either private or public health insurance on out-of-pocket health expenditure in Peru between 2007-2019.The research results show that the variables adults over 65...

Health financing challenges in Southeast Asian countries for universal health coverage: a systematic review
This study investigated health financing challenges in achieving UHC among countries in Southeast Asia using a systematic review. The study also provided policy recommendations at regional and national levels. The 10 countries were included in the systematic review:...

Effect of supplementary private health insurance on out-of-pocket inpatient medical expenditure: evidence from Malaysia
This study investigated the effect of supplementary private health insurance (PHI) on out-of-pocket payment (OOP) inpatient medical expenditure in Malaysia. Secondary data analysis was conducted using the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019...
Universal health coverage in China part 1: progress and gaps
This article is the first part of the series. This research article comprehensively evaluated China's progress towards universal health coverage over the past two decades by identifying the achievements and gaps in service coverage and financial risk protection that...

Thailand launches a new medical coverage scheme for tourist accidents
The Nation reported that Thailand has introduced a health insurance coverage scheme for tourists in case of accidents subsidized by the government, starting from January 2024. Furthermore, the article adds, Tourism and Sports Minister Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol said at...
The benefits and burden of health financing in Indonesia: analyses of nationally representative cross-sectional data
This study assessed the distribution of health financing benefits and burdens across income groups in Indonesia, post-financing reforms. Utilizing cross-sectional nationally representative data, benefit incidence analyses (BIA) and financing incidence analyses (FIA)...

A new WHO report explores financial protection of people in Tajikistan
This four-page summary report from WHO gives a snapshot of financial protection in Tajikistan. It provides facts and figures indicating a high burden from financial hardship when people in Tajikistan use health services and pay out of pocket. The document,...

Social norms and values impacting health expenditures in India
Household resource allocation in India is not just a pragmatic and calculative exercise, it also involves multi-layered tacit and explicit contestation, bargaining and negotiations that occur at the intersection of social norms, economic class, caste, gender, age, and...

ILO launches “Building social protection foundations for all” project in Burkina Faso
The project "Building Social Protection Floors for All: ILO global flagship program in Burkina Faso" was launched on August 28, 2023 in Ouagadougou by Bassolma Bazié, Minister in charge of Social Protection, in the presence of Frédéric Lapeyre, Director of the ILO...

Achievements in Equity of the Health System in Colombia
The greatest achievement of the Colombian health system is the improvement in the financial protection of households. Out-of-pocket health care spending declined significantly since most medical procedures and drugs are included in the nation's public health insurance...

To meet the unmet: preparing for health equity challenges in WHO South-East Asia Region
Health inequity and unmet need are major challenges in achieving UHC and financial protection in the South-East Asia Region. This report documents progresses in addressing health inequities with a focus on multiple manifests of vulnerabilities and multiple components...
Coverage and Equity: in maternal, newborn and child health interventions.
In Niger, mortality figures remain worrying despite the progress made over the past ten years. Intervention coverage levels remain unsatisfactory and unequal. This descriptive study aims to analyze the levels and trends of maternal, newborn and child health...
Health equity in Niger
The study analyzes several aspects of inequality in the healthcare system: health outcomes, healthcare service utilization, financial protection (FP) and benefit incidence analysis (BIA). It uses the EDS/ENAFEME surveys for health (2006, 2012, 2021), and ECVMA/EHCVM...

Challenges to financing universal health coverage discussed at the 154 WHO EB Meeting
WHO executive board discusses challenges to Universal Health Coverage (UHC), including financial constraints and healthcare worker shortages. Article examines member states' concerns and WHO strategies to address these issues. In its report to the board, the WHO...
The incremental healthcare cost associated with cancer in Belgium: A registry-based data analysis
Study assesses healthcare burden of cancer in Belgium for 2018, identifying lung cancer as the most costly. It emphasizes prevention strategies targeting risk factors to reduce the economic impact. Findings offer valuable insights for implementing cost-containment...