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Financial Protection Archives - Page 19 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
WHO Webinar: Making health insurance responsive to citizens
WHO Webinar: Making health insurance responsive to citizens
Colombia, India, Indonesia

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research with the WHO Health Financing Unit organised a Webinar on 23 March, 1 PM CET, to share outcomes of a programme of research to understand how initiatives to empower citizens have contributed to enabling them to...

South Africa intensifying efforts to implement NHI, says Ramaphosa.
South Africa intensifying efforts to implement NHI, says Ramaphosa.
South Africa

President Ramaphosa reaffirms commitment to improving healthcare in South Africa by endorsing the implementation of the NHI. Efforts include enhancing clinic quality and providing superior care for all citizens, regardless of financial capacityPresident Cyril...

Chile abolishes copayments in step towards UHC

The Government of Chile has extended free medical care to everyone in the public health system, establishing the “zero copayment” as one of the key steps to move towards a universal health-care system. However, some other broader reforms on health will not have the...

Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India
Catastrophic health spending among older adults in India

Deprivation among the aged population and its implication on households is a global concern due to the unprecedented rise in the geriatric population. Old age is a period of many vulnerabilities, falling health, retirement from the workforce, no/reduced income,...

Costa Rica Universal Health Coverage Assessment
Costa Rica

This preliminary assessment of the Costa Rican health system focuses on the goal of universal health coverage, with a particular focus on the financing system and related aspects of provision. The data provides insights into the extent of financial protection and...

Institutional Report 2020 | BINASSS
Costa Rica

The Costa Rican Social Security Fund's 2020 annual report covers all of its activities including health and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.