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Financial Protection Archives - Page 20 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
How much is spent on health in Costa Rica?
How much is spent on health in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica

In 2020, the University of Costa Rica began a study, through research by the School of Public Health (ESP) and the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration, to investigate the market in order to understand how resources are invested in the health of...

WHO launches a Health Financing Progress Matrix Online Network
WHO launches a Health Financing Progress Matrix Online Network

In June 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) held a training on the Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM) in Zimbabwe which convened twelve countries in east and Southern Africa. The meeting ended with a strong call to establish a network to continue the rich...

The National Strategy for Health Sector in Jordan

This document presents the key features of the national strategy of health sector in Jordan for the years 2015 - 2019 based on the Higher Health Council Law No. 9 of 1999. It is in line with the objectives set out in the National Agenda for Jordan and "We are all...

New document on National Health Accounts for Fiji is now available
New document on National Health Accounts for Fiji is now available

The National Health Accounts report for Fiji provides health expenditures information for the period of 2011-2015 and tracks health expenditures from financing sources to health services and beneficiaries. An average of 9% of total government expenditure funded the...

Fiji Health Accounts 2011-2015

This National Health Accounts report for Fiji provides health expenditures information for the period of 2011-2015 and tracks health expenditures from financing sources to health services and beneficiaries. An average of 9% of total government expenditure funded the...

New document on equity of health financing in Indonesia is now available
New document on equity of health financing in Indonesia is now available

In 2014, Indonesia launched a single payer national health insurance scheme or the JKN, expecting to cover the entire population by 2024. This study aims to assess the equity of the health financing system in Indonesia during 2015 – 2019 by analysing a secondary...

New document on benefit incidence analysis in Indonesia is now available
New document on benefit incidence analysis in Indonesia is now available

Indonesia has introduced the National Health Insurance System or Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) in 2014 to achieve universal health coverage by 2024. This study aimed to assess the benefit incidence of healthcare funding after the JKN implementation and its...

Illness and Wage Loss: Longitudinal evidence from India
Illness and Wage Loss: Longitudinal evidence from India

The paper quantifies the economic burden of illness due to wage loss and medical care spending, as well as differences in them across the socio-economic distribution. The study used data from Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) survey and the Indian Human...